
Why Creation magazine?


Originally published in a CMI newsletter sent to Creation magazine subscribers, September 2016
“Hello, we love you guys.

Wherever we go in the US we love to tell other Christians about how profoundly affected we were when Dr. Rob Carter spoke at our church in NY and the amazing resources available to them at CREATION.com. So many more need to know how to defend our faith and Creationism using these wise and wonderful tools! We enjoy buying book/DVD sets of ‘Evolution's Achilles Heels’ as a gift for those who need really strong ammunition to equip their church body!” —Wendy K.

We hope you enjoy this latest edition of Creation magazine. This quality magazine goes to around 110 countries and is the most-widely circulated publication that deals with biblical creation. Each issue is specifically designed to help equip you and your family to defend your faith with the foundation of biblical creation.

You may notice there’s no paid advertising in Creation magazine—that’s nearly unheard of for a magazine of this quality. We’ve consistently resisted advertising offers and requests for years, because even though it would fund the magazine, we didn’t want to take space away from the life-changing information contained in the magazine. Also, by ‘not being in it for the buck’ we can honestly say that it’s all about evangelism and reaching people for Christ.

Subscription prices???

Most people think that the price of their subscription totally pays for the magazine, but in reality it doesn’t. Consider that besides the magazine itself, each month you receive a full-color newsletter that contains a unique teaching article, plus brochures featuring monthly specials that are exclusive to you. We also mail you a ministry calendar that highlights events that you and your friends can attend and hopefully pray for. We do all this because we want to make this life-changing information affordable and accessible.

Why am I telling you this? CMI relies mainly on charitable support (not sales) to actually produce and distribute these life-changing resources; and not just this magazine, but also DVDs like our award-winning Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels, and cutting-edge scholarly books that help even academics, like the new in-depth commentary The Genesis Account of which Pastor Johnny Hunt (former President of the Southern Baptist Assn.) wrote:

“This is a solid intellectual work and will be of real practical value to all who sincerely desire to properly understand the early chapters of Genesis. As an exegetical preacher, I appreciate how The Genesis Account affirms the texts as divinely inspired truth, confirming its role, not only in our wider Christian theology, but also in science and history … This book should be considered a must read for all serious students of the Bible.”

And even our range of full-color children’s books like Exploring Geology with Mr Hibb and the new Exploring Dinosaurs with Mr Hibb. We have other exciting new resources in development too, and none of it would be possible without your prayers and direct support!

CMI rarely asks for support

Only for specific projects like the aforementioned Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels have we run fundraising campaigns. But here is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to donors. Most people think that if they can only give a small amount that it doesn’t make a difference. They may even assume we’re funded by huge donations of thousands of dollars. While some have been blessed with the ability to give larger amounts on occasions, and we are certainly thankful for those people, the vast majority of our ministry is made possible by gifts as small as $5, $10, or $20, particularly when given on a monthly basis. In reality it could be less than a cappuccino per week, but when these donations ‘trickle’ in along with many others who faithfully do the same, they add up to a large amount which enables us to visit hundreds of churches in the US alone each year, and with no set speaking fee. And when we go to these events, once again we are able to make our resources as affordable as possible so that the information can be spread widely. Please know this ministry is genuinely making a real impact in people’s lives. To give just one example, Susanne H. wrote in to say:

“Dad subscribed to your magazines etc. for years & he continually brought them on to me to read after he had. It is an enduring fond memory I have of him. He placed his last subscription knowing he was to meet his Creator face to face soon and that we would continue to enjoy any he missed after passing. I have continued to be delighted on their arrival for a year now & remember him fondly as I read them without him. I would like to continue the subscription and enclose payment … I just wanted to share & encourage you that you do have an impact. One magazine can reach so many (in fact his past copies library I passed on to an independent Christian School). Thank you for the memories & be encouraged to continue your work. You may not always know the impact until eternity.”

We appreciate you!

We know that there are many worthy ministries out there for you to choose when you decide where your gifts should go. But at CMI, if you partner with us and enable us, we are always more than prepared to do the hard ‘legwork’ of ensuring this life-changing message gets out to as many people as possible, and to keep equipping you with resources like Creation magazine magazine.

I’ll leave you with this encouraging testimony from Audrey H. who wrote:

“Thank you so much for the lovely calendar you sent me it was beautiful. I'm pleased I can give to support your wonderful Ministry, how the lost need to hear the good news. May The Lord bless & guide you all the way. The truth of your Ministry is opening the eyes of many. Praise our Father in Jesus name … I'm 87 years old but I won't give up…” —Audrey H.

Thank you for your invaluable support and prayers!

Published: 17 October 2017

Helpful Resources

The Genesis Account
by Jonathan Sarfati
US $39.00
Hard cover
Exploring Geology with Mr Hibb
by Michael Oard, Tara Wolfe, Chris Turbuck
US $16.00
Hard cover
Exploring Dinosaurs with Mr Hibb
by Michael Oard, Tara Wolfe, Chris Turbuck, Gary Bates
US $12.00
Hard cover