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Discouraged in your faith? Book a CMI speaker.

Discouraged in your faith? Book a CMI speaker.

Many Christians today have a diminished view of the Bible because they can't answer questions like, "Is there really a God?", "What about evolution"? Are there facts to back up the Bible or is it all just faith?
08 Mar, 201300:31
Races and Human Genetic Variation

Races and Human Genetic Variation

Many people are under the mistaken impression that people from different racial backgrounds have big differences in their DNA instructions. But this is not the case. The entire human race has an incredibly low level of genetic variety.
16 Jan, 201300:59
Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Is the human genome full of parasites? This might seem like a ridiculous question but some researchers suggest that it is. The human genome project revealed a large number of transposable elements. These DNA segments copy themselves and move around the genome. Some scientists claim they serve no function and have dismissed them as parasitic DNA. Some evolutionary scientists claim that similarities with chimps in these supposedly useless bits prove evolution. But new research shows they have functions. One study revealed that transposable elements activate during embryo development in mice, to control gene expression. Another study revealed they activate in gene dense regions to control gene expression. They are not spread randomly throughout the genome as previously thought. So DNA isn't full of parasites at all, but rather many sophisticated ways to control gene expression.
02 Jan, 201300:59
Creation Speakers available to come to your church

Creation Speakers available to come to your church

Creation Ministries International focuses on the Bible's first book, Genesis and the creation/evolution issue. Many of our speakers are scientists with PhDs who, before joining CMI, were employed in various scientific fields.
08 Nov, 201200:31
Creation Magazine - an essential equipping tool for the whole family

Creation Magazine - an essential equipping tool for the whole family

Creation magazine is a 56-page full-colour family magazine that is an essential tool for anyone wanting to 'immunize' their family against the anti-biblical worldviews bombarding us from all sides. With no paid advertising, every page of Creation magazine is full of powerful articles, ammunition to intelligently discuss nature, history, science, the Bible, and related subjects.
29 Oct, 201200:31
Evidence for God

Evidence for God

People often ask, "How can you believe in God when there isn't a single shred of evidence—how can you take that leap of faith?" But on the contrary, the Bible tells us that "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." and "... since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."
04 Oct, 201201:00
Darwin's 'yard apes'

Darwin's 'yard apes'

For more details visit: []
27 Jun, 201210:00
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi tree

The Darwinian roots of the Nazi tree

For more details visit: []
06 Jun, 201209:59
Creation teaching makes a difference

Creation teaching makes a difference

For more details visit: []
29 May, 201210:00
Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history?

Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history?

Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history? Based on their evolutionary beliefs, atheists believe most cavemen were primitive brutes on the way to becoming fully human. From the viewpoint of biblical history, after the confusion of languages at the tower of Babel as people spread out they would have lived in a variety of homes made of mud, stone, wood, tents, or in caves. The Bible describes a number of 'cavemen'. In Genesis, we find that Lot was once a 'caveman' (after he fled Sodom). When David ran from King Saul, he lived in a cave. And Job mentions people who lived in caves also. Thus, you would expect evidence all over the world that skilful, talented and fully human people have lived in caves at various times.
11 Apr, 201201:00
Were humans designed by 'Aliens'?

Were humans designed by 'Aliens'?

Biological life's enormous complexity is a serious objection to atheistic evolutionary theory.  Many evolutionists recognize the serious scientific problems associated with the origin of the first cell non-living chemicals. In an effort to avoid the obvious: that an all-knowing God created life, some people think that perhaps aliens from other planets were somehow involved in 'seeding' our planet with the building blocks for life millions of years ago. But in this scenario the problem for the evolutionary story of life still remains. It has just been moved to another planet. The truth is: there is no intelligent life on other planets, God created life fully-functioning right at the very start. Alien Intrusion has a lot more information on aliens and the creation evolution issue.
10 Apr, 201201:06
Can you marry your relative?

Can you marry your relative?

Can you marry your relative? According to the Bible all people on earth go back to Noah's family, and before that, back to Adam and Eve. Since we are all ultimately the descendants of the same parents, all people are related. You have to marry your relative! If you don't, you marry something that isn't human. Of course, today we don't marry our close relatives for legal and biological reasons. We marry someone further away in relation to us.
19 Mar, 201202:12
Where did Cain find his wife?

Where did Cain find his wife?

If Adam and Eve had Cain, Abel and Seth then where did we all come from? Are there people living today who are not descended from Adam and Eve?
17 Feb, 201214:16
Prison power Answering 'Genesis questions' reaches young offenders for Christ

Prison power Answering 'Genesis questions' reaches young offenders for Christ

For more details visit: []
15 Sep, 201109:59
Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

For more details visit: []
15 Sep, 201109:59
Richard Dawkins: "Theistic evolutionists are deluded"

Richard Dawkins: "Theistic evolutionists are deluded"

Many people think that theistic evolution blends faith with scientific credibility, but these comments from Dawkins show that this compromise is even more ridiculed than biblical creationism, which is at least consistent. A powerful argument from a hostile witness.
14 Sep, 201100:59

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