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Genesis contradictions?
Skeptics claim that the order of creation in Genesis 2 is different to that in chapter 1. But is it?
by Don Batten
Is evolution true?
When the arguments used to support evolution are examined, how many actually pass muster?
by Don Batten
The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve!
Refuting errors by Francis Collins and BioLogos
by Robert W Carter
Cheating with chance
Why analogies like the lottery and rare poker hands don’t rebut the miniscule chance of abiogenesis.
by Don Batten
Has the New Testament been corrupted?
The New Testament is the most well-attested ancient work—and we are finding new manuscripts even today!
by Lita Sanders
Is God a ‘moral monster’?
How do we answer challenges of ‘atrocities’ in the Old Testament?
by Lita Sanders
How religiously neutral are the anti-creationist organisations?
The NCSE is vehemently opposed to Christians who believe the Biblical account of history, from the beginning. Is that ‘religiously neutral’?
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
The Skeptics and their ‘Churchian’ Allies
The Skeptics and their ‘Churchian’ Allies
by Jonathan Sarfati
Strategy of the Devil
by Russell Grigg
Newton was a creationist only because there was no alternative?
Most branches of science were founded by biblical creationists. Some skeptics claim that there was no evolutionary alternative.
by Jonathan Sarfati
We are … biblical creationists?
Being careful not to play into the opposition’s hands …
by Gary Bates
Rebuilding Noah’s Ark: getting the facts straight
Could Noah’s Ark have been a giant coracle, as claimed by British Museum curator Irving Finkel in his translation of a Babylonian tablet?
by Russell Grigg