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Defining arguments away—the distorted language of secularism
How key terms in the origins debate have been defined to slant the ‘rules of engagement’ between Christianity and secularism against Christianity.
by Shaun Doyle
Does ‘deep time’ make sense?
As we look at the foundations of the ‘billions of years’ historical framework, are the foundations rock or sand?
by Shaun Doyle
Questioning ‘How to debate a creationist’ by Michael Shermer
A skeptic gives advice about how to debate creationists, but he unwittingly shows the religious nature of his position.
by Murk Post
‘That’s nice for you, but it’s not for me’
Is there such a thing as absolute truth?
by Don Batten
Where are all the people?
How could the human population have grown to seven billion from the eight survivors of Noah’s Flood only 4,500 years ago?
by Don Batten
Why do Christians want to defend evolution?
Evolution is naturalism for biology and undermines the integrity of the gospel; so why marry it with the Bible?
by Don Batten
Why would a loving God send people to Hell?
Can God be loving and judge sin at the same time?
by Lita Sanders
The portrayal of creationists by their evolutionist detractors
Where they are not ignored, creationists are invariably disparaged and misrepresented.
by Philip Bell
Sound bites vs sound science
If you want to be ready to defend your faith, it pays to be aware of some of these very common sceptical ploys.
by Carl Wieland
Is charity more important than apologetics?
Some people say that feeding the poor is more important than debating ‘side issues’ such as creation. Are they right?
by Lita Sanders
Is Belief in God a case of Christian wish fulfillment?
An atheist correspondent asserts that Christian belief in God stems from a desire for a Heavenly Father to take care of us, but his argument commits a major logical fallacy.
by Lita Sanders
Using the Bible to prove the Bible?
Jesus’ words break the circle.
by Jonathan Sarfati