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A new cancer treatment thanks to Darwin?
It actually speaks against Darwinism!
by Don Batten
Was there a curse of Ham?
Is the curse of Ham real? Are there three races according to the sons of Noah? What can we learn from the Bible, history and science?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The mysterious alien tablet
Delving into DNA’s mind-blowing, multi-layered information system
by Dom Statham
Sick, suffering monsters and the eugenicists who created them
How did eugenics give rise to many of the modern dog breeds?
by Lita Sanders
Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vent?
Have chemical evolutionists proven that life could have evolved from non-living chemicals in hydrothermal vents?
by Jonathan Sarfati
What should Christians think about artificial selection and genetic modification?
Is it ok for humans to modify organisms? What about human-animal hybrids? We discuss the biblical and ethical guidelines for Christians in today’s world of rapidly developing biotechnology.
by Matthew Cserhati, Gary Bates
Racial mixing is perfectly biblical!
Racial intermarriage is perfectly acceptable. We completely repudiate the racist claims of the ‘Christian Identity’ movement.
by Matthew Cserhati, Robert Carter
The blue rose
Why couldn’t one be bred?
by Gordon Howard
Do mutations add information?
Mutations can add information, so why is that not evolution?
by Joel Tay
A strange idea of science
National Geographic’s ideas about the origin of life merely masquerade as science. Yet they say creationists are at war with science?!
by Lucien Tuinstra
A 'genealogical' Adam and Eve?
A new model that claims Adam and Eve can be the genealogical ancestors, but not the genetic ancestors, of all people alive today, after people evolved from apes, fails all biblical tests.
by Robert Carter and John Sanford
Junk DNA—from science stopper to sickness source
There’s compelling evidence that the evolutionary concept of junk DNA has held back medical science for decades.
by Pekka Reinikainen