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The opossum’s tale
29 Nov 2010
The opossum of the Americas confounds ‘just-so’ stories to explain Australia’s weird mammals.
by Lael Weinberger
Cults and Creation
26 Oct 2011
How the major cults all reject straightforward biblical creation.
by Benjamin Szumskyj
What about asexuality?
08 Mar 2015
A correspondent asks about how we view those who claim an asexual orientation.
by Lita Sanders
The totalitarian intolerance of the New Atheists
10 May 2013
The brother of an ardent anti-creationist highlights the devastating effects of atheism.
by Dominic Statham
The Santa Claus myth vs the God of the Bible
06 Jul 2017
Despite the claims of some, a ‘jolly’ man in a red suit should never be compared with our Creator and Saviour.
by Margaret Wieland
Physicist: Evolution more scientific than quantum mechanics?
23 Dec 2012
So why then is there no Nobel Prize for evolution?
by Don Batten
Cecil the lion: should we care?
15 Sep 2015
Global outrage over a hunter killing an African lion highlights the contradiction between care and concern for the treatment of animals and blind, pitiless evolution.
by Martin Duboisée de Ricquebourg
The grey blanket
Why one creature's rapid population growth has lessons for everyone.
by Carl Wieland
Politicizing Scripture
24 Dec 2009
When politics becomes the measure for a Bible translation, it is a perversion of Scripture, no matter whose politics are involved.
by Lita Sanders
Germ with seven motors in one!
15 Jan 2013
Marine bacterium has seven motors bundled into one, with interlocking fibrils acting as gears. This germ can swim 10 times faster than most.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Human/animal hybrids?
16 Aug 2016
The NIH intends to fund research which creates human/animal hybrids. What should creationists think?
by Robert Carter and Lita Cosner
Can you “hurt” someone by not believing the same as they do?
16 Feb 2010
Why do some atheists declare ‘hurt’ and ‘offence’? Perhaps to put Christians on the defensive to stop them from giving answers to what the world is teaching.
by Calvin Smith