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Quantum Biology and the Origin of Life

Quantum Biology and the Origin of Life

To the scientists, the answer to the question of how abiogenesis chemical evolution occurred lies in the notion that evolution needs a self-replicator.
18 Apr, 202414:23
The Complexity of Human DNA Destroys Evolution

The Complexity of Human DNA Destroys Evolution

Science continues to reveal more complexity at the smallest levels of life. As a result the evolutionary account of life's origins is rapidly trending toward mythology. May God receive the glory for His incredible creation!
04 Oct, 202329:04
‘Species’ vs ‘Kinds’ on Noah’s Ark

‘Species’ vs ‘Kinds’ on Noah’s Ark

Noah's Ark could not fit all of today's species. Rather, it took the biblical 'kinds' from which today's species descended. For more details watch the entire episode at: [] Yes, speciation happens, but it is not evolution. For more details see the articles here: []
03 May, 202302:05
Adaption, yes. Evolution, no.

Adaption, yes. Evolution, no.

Yes, living things change genetically and become adapted to their environment. That type of change supports creation, not evolution. For more details watch the full episode at: []
24 Aug, 202202:52
Speciation: yes, Evolution: no

Speciation: yes, Evolution: no

Rapid speciation has always been a cornerstone of Young Earth Creationist belief. If all of the animals we see today are descended from the limited amount of animals on Noah’s Ark then rapid speciation must have occurred. See the stunning evidence of this very thing and why it is so challenging to evolutionists and ‘Old Earth’ creationists alike.
29 Dec, 202123:22
Genetic Entropy - Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels DVD Excerpt

Genetic Entropy - Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels DVD Excerpt

Dr. John Sanford and Dr. Robert Carter discuss how genetic entropy is a fatal flaw for biological evolution.
21 Aug, 201501:56
Information and the origin of life - Did cells write their own software?

Information and the origin of life - Did cells write their own software?

What is something computers and humans have in common which constantly needs upgrading in computers but not in humans? The answer is software. You might not have realized that you have software but inside the nucleus of each of your cells a program is written in the form of three billion DNA letters.
11 Apr, 201400:59
Blind fish: evolution going backwards

Blind fish: evolution going backwards

Don't you find it strange that when people go blind we regard it as tragic, but when cave-dwelling fish go blind it's hailed as 'evolution in action'?
25 Dec, 201301:00
Naturalistic origin of life - scientific law denies it

Naturalistic origin of life - scientific law denies it

According to Skeptics, one of the characteristics of a pseudo-scientific theory is that it contradicts a known scientific law.
25 Oct, 201300:59
Origin of flight evolved four separate times?

Origin of flight evolved four separate times?

You've probably heard the saying that lightning never strikes twice. This means that highly unlikely events, if they do occur, won't happen again. But it appears that in a certain area of evolutionary biology, lightning has, in fact, struck four times!
16 May, 201301:00
Sea Spiders - no change over 160 million years

Sea Spiders - no change over 160 million years

Scientists studying fossil 'sea spiders' from 'Jurassic' rock found they are just the same as today's sea spiders. By evolutionary reckoning, that's no change in 160 million years. In that supposed time, evolutionists say, most of the dinosaurs, birds, many fish and virtually all mammals have evolved—all by natural processes. From finches to albatrosses, and mice to elephants—they all made themselves by evolutionary processes. They also say most of the flowering plants evolved too. And yet the sea spiders haven't changed in all that time! Curious isn't it? The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 1 that God created plants to produce seed according to each kind created. And He created sea life and creeping things 'after their kind' also. This is the most-established principle of biology: that living things produce offspring like themselves. These sea spiders illustrate this biblical truth.
23 Apr, 201300:59
SETI -- not able to recognize intelligent life?

SETI -- not able to recognize intelligent life?

For many years, radio telescopes have been scanning the heavens as part of a program known as SETI. SETI stands for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
18 Apr, 201300:59
Small Dogs are Mutants

Small Dogs are Mutants

Dogs vary greatly in size, from Chihuahua to Great Dane, yet they are all part of the dog, or wolf, created kind; they can all interbreed. Researchers have found that the small breeds of dogs all have something in common, a mutation in the gene that codes for an important growth regulator. This prevents the small dogs from growing to greater size.
11 Apr, 201300:59
"Biblical Biology 101" Dominic Statham

"Biblical Biology 101" Dominic Statham

It is not Christians who have problems with biology but evolutionists! In this easy to understand, well-illustrated talk, Dominic Statham shows how many facts about the natural world fit the Bible’s account of Creation far better than they fit the theory of evolution. In preparing the presentation, Dominic assumed no prior knowledge of the subject matter in his audience.
19 Mar, 2013
Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Is the human genome full of parasites? This might seem like a ridiculous question but some researchers suggest that it is. The human genome project revealed a large number of transposable elements. These DNA segments copy themselves and move around the genome. Some scientists claim they serve no function and have dismissed them as parasitic DNA. Some evolutionary scientists claim that similarities with chimps in these supposedly useless bits prove evolution. But new research shows they have functions. One study revealed that transposable elements activate during embryo development in mice, to control gene expression. Another study revealed they activate in gene dense regions to control gene expression. They are not spread randomly throughout the genome as previously thought. So DNA isn't full of parasites at all, but rather many sophisticated ways to control gene expression.
02 Jan, 201300:59
The Kennel Club - A 'parade of mutants'

The Kennel Club - A 'parade of mutants'

In 2008, the BBC produced a controversial documentary on the harmful effects of pedigree dog shows. According to the documentary, many dog owners are causing dangerous levels of in-breeding; this results in dogs with crippling genetic deformities. One RSPCA vet said, "What I see in front of me is a parade of mutants. It's some freakish, garish beauty pageant."
04 Dec, 201200:59

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