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The original Jurassic Park
Life-sized dinosaur models thrilled the English public in 1854—but gave a compromised message.
by Kevin Lamoure
A dinosaur made by the Flood
The story of Ultrasaurus
by Kevin Lamoure
Scelidosaurus—evidence of rapid burial in the Early Jurassic of southern England
Rapid, episodic burial and the conundrums it presents for uniformitarian dating.
by Andrew Sibley
Kevin Anderson creation scientist Challenging evolution with science
This Creation magazine interview, completed before Kevin’s relatively sudden and recent tragic passing, is previewed here to honour the life of a remarkable man.
by Robert Carter
Soft flexible nerves in Triceratops bone
Soft flexible nerves have been found in a Triceratops fossil
by Joel Tay
The giant that shouldn’t be
This huge dicynodont means evolutionary history needs revising—again!
by Phil Robinson
Thunder lizard handstands
Amazing fossil trackways confirm deep Floodwaters
by Phil Robinson
Tyrannosaur ‘walking with sharks’?
How could T. rex be buried with sharks in the same rock formation?
by Gavin Cox
How big were the dinosaurs, really?
How big were the dinosaurs on average, and what was the biggest of them all? How did Noah get them on the Ark?
by Jonathan Sarfati
New dinosaur Lingwulong shenqi
Lingwulong shenqi, ‘amazing dragon of Lingwu’, is a Diplodocus-like dinosaur confounds evolutionists by being in the wrong place and time
by Jonathan Sarfati
The biggest dinosaur eggs
Just how big were they, and what are the implications for the Ark?
by Phil Robinson
Medieval artists saw extinct reptiles: more evidence
Comparisons between modern and medieval artists show ancient peoples saw 'extinct' reptiles and dinosaurs
by Brian Thomas