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Near-death experiences and the authority of Scripture
23 May 2015
How do we evaluate near-death experiences in light of Scripture?
by Lita Sanders
Linking cosmic rays to weather and climate
22 May 2015
Computer modelling that has led to dire warnings about climate change is built on questionable understanding of cloud behaviour.
by Jake Hebert
Martin Rudwick on ancient history and modern creationism
21 May 2015
His Salon magazine article recognizes how the Bible paved the way for radical change but he still gets his facts wrong.
by John K Reed
Sharks and rays
20 May 2015
Did they really have a common ancestor?
by Paula Weston
Evolutionists on the Bible
19 May 2015
Philosophical naturalism sought to ‘explain away’ the supernatural in the Bible. Unfortunately Christians who accept their uniformitarian deep time, inadvertently also undermine the authority of God’s Word.
by Marc Ambler
Remarkable Fish River Canyon, Namibia
18 May 2015
The watery formation in an arid land of the second largest continental canyon in the world
by Tas Walker
Will Heaven be boring?
16 May 2015
We answer the questions: Will heaven be boring with no sin? And, how did people start interpreting the Bible to allow for homosexuality?
by Lita Sanders
Helpful in places, confusing in others
15 May 2015
Author fails to make link between the Bible and the rise of science despite praising Church’s role in science.
by Dominic Statham
Martin Rudwick’s shallow assessment
14 May 2015
He thinks creationists are out of their depth.
by John K Reed
Tuatara—confined to its kind!
13 May 2015
The tuatara is a small reptile that defies evolutionary explanations.
by unknown
Rebuilding Noah’s Ark: getting the facts straight
05 Apr 2018
Could Noah’s Ark have been a giant coracle, as claimed by British Museum curator Irving Finkel in his translation of a Babylonian tablet?
by Russell Grigg
How old was Cain when he killed Abel?
11 May 2015
Did Cain have to wait until after Seth was grown up to get a wife?
by Robert Carter