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Anchoring their faith
04 Mar 2014
Providing answers helps people when they are questioning the faith.
by Gary Bates
The shark that likes celery
03 Mar 2014
This nurse shark refuses to eat fish or meat. She uses her razor-sharp, serrated teeth to pulp broccoli and cabbage instead.
by David Catchpoole
David Attenborough’s Dawn of the Mammals
02 Mar 2014
David Attenborough’s old tricks—explained and refuted.
by Russell Grigg
Back to the beginning
01 Mar 2014
Contrary to the assertions of many secularists, science supports the Bible rather than undermines it.
by Dominic Statham
Roraima pollen
28 Feb 2014
An evolutionary paradox still not solved.
by Emil Slivestru
Is the dog’s ‘collar bone’ vestigial?
29 Nov 2022
The dog’s shoulder is a brilliant design, in spite of evolutionary teaching to the contrary.
by Philip Bell
The ‘Trojan Horse’ of deep time
25 Feb 2014
Many Christians want to increase the church’s influence in the culture but still cling to the very idea that eroded biblical authority in the first place.
by Calvin Smith
Saving the ‘billions of years’ age of Titan
24 Feb 2014
Saturn’s moon Titan is sinking old-age ideas, despite rescue attempts.
by David Coppedge
David Attenborough’s Rise of Animals,
23 Feb 2014
Sir David—up to his old tricks!
by Russell Grigg
The watchers and genetic diversity
22 Feb 2014
Is there genetic evidence of the Nephilim? And does the genetic diversity of animals today match what we would expect from the biblical account?
by Rob Carter
Creation in-depth: ‘Ancient’ coral growth layers
21 Feb 2014
Do ‘ancient’ corals show that days were shorter than now?
by Dr Robert Carter
God’s Not Dead movie review
20 Feb 2014
It is true that ‘God is not dead’ but the arguments used in this movie to prove it have some major problems.
by Lita Cosner and Scott Gillis