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The meaning of unconformities
12 Jul 2019
How does Noah’s Flood provide a better framework for understanding unconformities?
by John K. Reed and Michael J. Oard
A Detective’s Approach:
11 Jul 2019
Learn how to ask The Big Question when dialoguing with skeptics and unbelievers.
by Paul Price
The importance of biblical creation
10 Jul 2019
How Creation magazine helped shape one man’s theology.
by Joel Tay
The horrifying calculations of utilitarian ethics
09 Jul 2019
Only an ‘ethicist’ could ask the question ‘Would the world be better off without humans?’
by Lita Sanders
Moving forward
08 Jul 2019
There are many strong arguments for Creation, but some are not so strong, and others are totally unsound. It’s important to know the difference. This is why it’s important to keep up with current creationist literature. There is so much good evidence for Creation that there is no need to use any of the ‘doubtful’ arguments.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Should CMI ‘stick to the science’?
06 Jul 2019
Why CMI talks about theology as well as science.
by Lita Sanders
A naturalist’s nightmare
05 Jul 2019
Is the fine-tuning of the universe evidence for divine design?
by Dominic Statham
Isaac Watts: A poet in awe of his Creator
04 Jul 2019
He was the originator of the English congregational hymn, which was a new genre of poetry that expressed praise and dedication to God in rhymed verse.
by Nicos Kaloyirou and Russell Grigg
The appendix
03 Jul 2019
The little appendage that can cause a lot of pain and confusion.
by Dominic Statham
Did the ear bones of mammals really evolve from the jawbones of reptiles?
02 Jul 2019
Evolution of bones in middle ear in mammals unheard of.
by Matthew Cserhati
Lizard skin inspires lubricant-free slipperiness
01 Jul 2019
Lubrication in a dusty environment can be a problem, so engineers have turned to the sandfish skink lizard for a solution.
by David Catchpoole
Could chemical evolution produce DNA?
29 Jun 2019
Could DNA building blocks have formed in a primordial soup? How to think about chemical evolution papers.
by Jonathan Sarfati