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Spider silk: both strong and smart
02 Nov 2013
Why are spider webs so strong? Because silk can respond differently to different stresses, and sacrifice a few threads to preserve the whole web.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation in-depth: Proteins from random amino acid chains?
01 Nov 2013
Have experiments shown that a high proportion of random polypeptides naturally form native-like folds?
by Royal Truman
Politicizing Jesus
31 Oct 2013
A new novel about the death of Jesus.
by Lita Sanders
New Dmanisi skull threatens to bring the house down
29 Oct 2013
The human evolution story could be in for a major reshuffle. But how might we make sense of this find in the biblical framework?
by Peter Line
Modern birds found with dinosaurs
28 Oct 2013
Fossils of many modern birds are found with dinosaurs, but almost no museums display them.
by Don Batten
‘Missing link’ misconceptions
27 Oct 2013
What does the term ‘missing link’ mean? Is it helpful? And is a ‘minimum breeding population’ an argument against Genesis?
by Carl Wieland
Our brains are getting bigger—no, smaller …
09 Feb 2022
Evolutionists who linked human brain size to intelligence have had to change their story.
by Carl Wieland
The tragic toll of toxic teaching
25 Oct 2013
A review of Saving Darwin by Karl W. Giberson.
by Jerry Bergman
Human/animal hybrids: are they possible, and could they be saved?
24 Oct 2013
Are human/animal hybrids a problem for Christianity, or even a possibility?
by Lita Sanders
Slimy secrets
23 Oct 2013
What has one foot, is small, and can go over anything? (Hint: it has a wonderfully slick method of locomotion!)
by David Catchpoole, Australia
A Defense of Six-Day Creation
22 Oct 2013
A former compromising pastor explains why he now believes that a strong stance on Genesis is critical for the church.
by G I Williamson
The impact of evolution on the missionary evangelization of China
21 Oct 2013
Few missionary endeavours have caught the imagination of the Christian church in the West, or suffered as many setbacks, as the evangelization of China.
by Russell Grigg