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Rewilding, artificial foods, and creation
31 May 2022
A response to the environmentalists’ rewilding agenda, which would devalue people and diminish the quality of human life. Far better, the biblical approach involves stewardship, and respect for creation.
by Andrew Sibley
Five things you may not know about Eve
30 May 2022
Was ‘Eve’ her real name? What did she look like? Did she know the Gospel?
by Philip Robinson and Lucien Tuinstra
Can nucleobases and self-replication arise from non-living chemicals?
28 May 2022
Can nucleobases form from a primordial soup? Can RNA self-replication arise?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The surprisingly complex tRNA subsystem: part 4—tRNA fragments regulate processes
27 May 2022
tRNAs and their fragments precisely regulate many cell processes.
by Royal Truman
Asteroid evidence for life on earth coming from outer space?
26 May 2022
Japanese aerospace exploration agency has recently found amino acids in the second ever returning sample from an asteroid. Does this prove that life on earth was seeded from outer space?
by Joshua Howells
Tremendous trilobites
25 May 2022
Amazing eyes show amazing design and confound evolution
by Gavin Cox
Craig Adam Templeton
24 May 2022
William Lane Craig, historical Adam conference, Homo Erectus, Templeton Foundation, Keathley.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The U.S. revisits Roe vs Wade
23 May 2022
The United States has been lit aflame with both excitement and anger in response to the recently leaked Supreme Court draft
by Bruce Lawrence
Dicynodonts and ‘out-of-place’ fossils
21 May 2022
Giant mammal-like reptiles in the age of dinosaurs? Cretaceous dicynodont reclassified to Cenozoic mammal, otherwise it would be a proverbial Precambrian rabbit.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Kant’s religion of reason and the reinterpretation of Genesis 1–3
20 May 2022
How did Immanuel Kant’s philosophy affect the interpretation of Genesis 1–3?
by Martin Duboisée de Ricquebourg
William Pengelly’s Brixham cave excavations, and belief in the antiquity of man
19 May 2022
William Pengelly’s 19th century cave excavations in Brixham, southwest England, encouraged support of the erroneous belief in the antiquity of mankind beyond the biblical timeframe.
by Andrew Sibley
Love is more than skin deep
18 May 2022
Mr and Mrs Unoarumhi are dark-skinned Africans, but their biological children are fair-skinned—How come?
by Carl Wieland and Don Batten