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Only one way to visit an orchid
09 Apr 2014
From the landing stage, to the exit gate, it’s no accident that the travel corridor for a gnat visiting an orchid is strictly one-way.
by sylvia
Nephesh chayyāh
08 Apr 2014
Life can only truly be understood by starting with the Creation account in the Bible.
by David Pitman
Prioritizing People
12 Jan 2022
Carl Wieland chats with environmental biologist Douglas Oliver
by Carl Wieland
Does the Bible trump all evidence?
06 Apr 2014
Should creationists stick with their views no matter what the evidence says?
by Keaton Halley
Cosmos by Neil deGrasse Tyson
05 Apr 2014
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a worthy successor—as an atheistic propagandist—to Carl Sagan, but nothing we haven’t refuted.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation in-depth: Vas deferens
04 Apr 2014
Refuting ‘bad design’ arguments.
by E van Niekerk
Hey, not so fast with the Nobel Prize!
03 Apr 2014
Cosmologists cast doubt on recent evidence cited for big bang ‘inflation’
by John Hartnett
The majestic elephant
02 Apr 2014
A fascinating look at the world’s largest living land animal …
by Paula Weston
Noah movie making waves
01 Apr 2014
It’s unfortunate that this movie ‘inspired by’ the biblical account of the global Flood falls short.
by Keaton Haley, Lita Cosner
The Singapore Evolution Garden
31 Mar 2014
Its exotic plants actually show evolution has not happened
by Tas Walker
UK hospitals heated by incinerated babies
30 Mar 2014
In what can only be described as an obscene byproduct of evolutionary thinking, hospital authorities show complete disregard for life by burning human remains for heating.
by Phil Robinson
The reality of suffering, and the Gospel confronting culture
29 Mar 2014
The Gospel inevitably changes the cultures it encounters–and that’s a good thing.
by Lita Sanders