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Steve Chalke’s ‘New Reformation’—or new defamation?
30 May 2019
Steve Chalke is releasing 95 YouTube videos calling them his “New Reformation”, but his challenge to the Church to rethink fundamental issues (like marriage and human sexuality) is counter-Christian.
by Gavin Cox
The Blue Whale
29 May 2019
Perhaps the largest creature God created, this denizen of the deep is awesome to behold.
by Jeffrey Dykes
The best defense is a strong offense
28 May 2019
Can you believe it? Bringing CMI to your church is one of the most powerful ways to equip your youth to resist secular challenges to their faith.
by Paul Price
Water and wind gaps carved during channelized Flood runoff
27 May 2019
When were these geomorphological features carved?
by Michael Oard
Creation isn’t ‘science’?
25 May 2019
A critic says creation isn’t science. How would you respond?
by Lita Sanders
Planation surfaces formed by river piracy?
24 May 2019
Or do planation surfaces require a more catastrophic mechanism?
by Michael J. Oard
Medusavirus turns evolutionary theory to stone
23 May 2019
Eukaryotic genes in newly discovered Medusavirus hints at devolution and not evolution
by Matthew Cserhati
Where was Eden?
22 May 2019
What information does the Bible give us that might help to locate Eden?
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Revisiting the Fallout
21 May 2019
We interviewed college students about the reasons why they left the church or stayed.
by Scott Gills, Gary Bates
Fossils in a day?
25 Apr 2024
Can fossils form quickly under the right conditions?
by Ron Neller
Genesis as history: a discredited interpretation?
18 May 2019
An old, discredited interpretation?
by Shaun Doyle
Hybridization shaking up the evolutionary Tree of Life—what does it mean for creationists?
17 May 2019
Hybridization occurs in the wild more than evolutionists thought. What does this mean for biblical creation?
by Jean K. Lightner