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The geological history of the Brisbane and Ipswich areas, Australia
07 Aug 2014
Your view of the past will inform your choices today, and these determine your future.
by Tas Walker
Tiny pterosaur’s untimely end
06 Aug 2014
A pterosaur fossilized—in its egg! What would you think?
by David Catchpoole
Christian leaders who uphold Genesis
05 Aug 2014
Meet some theologians and prominent church leaders from around the world who support biblical creation.
by Don Batten
Half a billion years … and still soft!
04 Aug 2014
Pre-Cambrian fossils of marine worms have their original tissue. Similarly for bacteria that feed on them.
by David Catchpoole
Evidence for an old earth?
03 Aug 2014
Does the Bible really teach a 6,000 year old creation? And is there good evidence that the earth is older than that?
by Lita Sanders
‘Just preach the Gospel!’
08 Mar 2023
The New Testament authors preached the Gospel under a background of Genesis history. This includes the people, events, time frame, and order of events.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creation in-depth: Engineering without an engineer
01 Aug 2014
A review of Evolution: A View from the 21st Century by James A. Shapiro
by J. Günter Grossmann
Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’
31 Jul 2014
The latest conclusion from big bang cosmologists is that our universe doesn’t exist!
by John Hartnett
Sea slugs leave Darwin’s theory slipping
30 Jul 2014
by Geoff Chapman
Long life or eternal life?
29 Jul 2014
Long-age thinking means denying that the world’s biology changed at the Fall. But that unwittingly diminishes the Cross.
by Peter Milford
Getting the Word out
28 Jul 2014
Carl Wieland chats with organic chemist and businessman Gary Baxter
by Carl Wieland
The Gospel and Transsexuals
27 Jul 2014
How should Christians love transsexual people?
by Lita Sanders