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Why did God allow sin at all?
23 Dec 2017
Could God have created a world where nobody sinned? If so, why didn’t He?
by Shaun Doyle
Samotherium fossils and variation in the neck within the giraffe kind (Giraffidae)
22 Dec 2017
Extraordinary claims about this extraordinary creature don’t always match what the science is revealing.
by Jean K. Lightner
US government spends millions researching UFOs
21 Dec 2017
An unusual admission by the US has many asking if aliens are real. Are you ready with an answer?
by Gary Bates and Lita Cosner
“Once more unto the breach”
19 Dec 2017
There is a battle raging for the authority of God’s Word. Will you stand with us?
by Gary Bates
The American bald eagle: On eagle’s wings
18 Dec 2017
The bald eagle … a powerful, swift and independent creature.
by Michael Eggleton
Does the Bible condone slavery?
16 Dec 2017
Answering a common charge against Scripture.
by Lita Sanders
Leonhard Euler
14 Dec 2017
One of the greatest mathematicians of all time was a God-honouring, Bible believing Christian.
by Russell Grigg
Creation in a basket
13 Dec 2017
The receptacle is ‘expertly crafted’ and ‘delicately made’, but the flowers in it are said to have come about by chance.
by Tom Wagner
Army atheist yells, ‘God save me’, as shells explode
12 Dec 2017
How creation evangelism helped change the life of a scared soldier.
by Roger Griffiths
Evangelism in the Ebola epidemic
11 Dec 2017
A medical missionary talks about ministering with the Gospel in the midst of a deadly Ebola outbreak.
by Lita Sanders
Refusing to be muzzled
09 Dec 2017
A church job offer depended on agreement not to talk about creation; what to do?
by Don Batten
The panda thumbs its nose at the dysteleological arguments of the atheist Stephen Jay Gould
08 Dec 2017
Why one atheist’s arguments about pandas don’t stand up to scrutiny.
by John Woodmorappe