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The origin of human consciousness
12 Jul 2018
We humans may think our self-awareness marks us out as special but atheists insist it’s merely an illusion brought about by our brain chemistry. Why, then, do cognitive scientists, psychologists and philosophers fail to explain consciousness?
by Dominic Statham
Lucy’s baboon backbone
11 Jul 2018
Human error shows scientists are just as prone to making mistakes as anyone else
by Keaton Halley
Dissolving the Fermi Paradox
10 Jul 2018
Oxford scientists cast doubt on intelligent life outside Earth; Elon Musk says this is all the more reason to colonize space.
by Paul Price
Manta motion marvel
09 Jul 2018
The swimming motion of manta rays is the envy of marine robotics engineers.
by David Catchpoole
Creation or endless cycle of re-creation?
07 Jul 2018
Why the Bible gives us a linear view of history from creation to consummation in Christ.
by Shaun Doyle
Surprises in Surprise Canyon
06 Jul 2018
Did the Surprise Canyon Formation in Grand Canyon have to form slowly by normal river erosion?
by J.N. Caldwell
Giving glory to the Creator
05 Jul 2018
Man’s designs pale into insignificance compared with God’s handiwork.
by Dominic Statham
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
03 Jul 2018
Review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
by Joel Tay
Nickel concentration indicates youthful oceans
02 Jul 2018
How mineral-rich oceans hold clues to the age of the earth.
by David Whyte
Discussing the Trinity
30 Jun 2018
Explaining why we believe the Scriptures teach the Trinity, the Deity of Jesus, and the Personhood of the Holy Spirit.
by Lita Sanders
Where was Eden? part 2: geological considerations—examining pre-Flood geographical details in the biblical record
29 Jun 2018
Part 2: The geology and geography of Eden

by Robert Carter and Lita Cosner
Swimming with sharks
28 Jun 2018
Sharing the gospel with evolutionists is not as dangerous as people imagine.
by Scott Gillis