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Faith not facts?
09 Dec 2013
A faith devoid of facts is dead.
by Tony Mator
Muhammad was wrong … what about Moses?
08 Dec 2013
How do we decide which revelation is genuine and which isn’t?
by Lita Sanders
Mercury: more marks of youth
07 Dec 2013
Creationist predictions confirmed, evolutionist predictions confounded by Messenger spacecraft orbiting Mercury.
by Andrew Lamb
No keeper’s brother
06 Dec 2013
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Shaun Doyle
It’s the season for giving
25 Dec 2023
Atheists are giving to promote the spread of their worldview—are we?
by Gary Bates
Adam and Eve
03 Dec 2013
What does the Bible tell us about our earliest ancestors?
by Lita Sanders
Double-decade dinosaur disquiet
02 Dec 2013
A sneak preview from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. For twenty years now, dino bones have progressively divulged their contents to researchers who did not expect to find the likes of DNA and radiocarbon ‘millions of years’ after dinosaur extinction.
by David Catchpoole
Can you choose your gender?
01 Dec 2013
A correspondent accuses CMI of making ‘attacks on Transgendered individuals’.
by Kathy Wallace
God’s healing hand
30 Nov 2013
Professor Terry Hamblin (1943–2012), ground-breaking hematologist and biblical creationist.
by Naomal Wijesinghe
Creation in-depth: Fossils and the post-Flood boundary
29 Nov 2013
What does the stratigraphy of fossils suggest about the placement of the Flood/post-Flood boundary in the rocks?
by Marcus R Ross
German imperialism and the African Holocaust
28 Nov 2013
The Nazi Holocaust was not an anomaly—it was the last in a long line of racial genocides fuelled by Darwin’s ideas.
by Bill Johnson
Why a butterfly flutters by
27 Nov 2013
Some might think that the butterfly, with its jerky fluttering flight, is a ‘primitive’ and inefficient flyer. Actually, their complicated wing movements generate more lift than simple flapping would do.
by David Catchpoole