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Why would a loving God allow death and suffering?
27 Feb 2024
How can we reconcile a God of love with the natural and moral evils in the world, including tragedies, atrocities, disabilities, and pain?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
A living dinosaur?
01 Jan 2014
Does the Congo’s ‘mokele-mbembe’ also live in PNG?
by David Catchpoole, Carl Wieland
Big bang critic passes away
31 Dec 2013
Astronomer Halton Arp was no creationist, but his discoveries and publications showing major defects in big bang belief were legendary.
by John Hartnett
Kamikaze caterpillars
02 Feb 2022
Caterpillars that sign their own death warrant are a conundrum for evolution by natural selection
by Carl Wieland
Aboriginal cannibalism
29 Dec 2013
Is it true, and how does this relate to the evolution-inspired belief that Australia’s indigenous people are ‘less evolved’?
by Carl Wieland
Giant compound eyes, half a billion years ago?
28 Dec 2013
Supposedly half a billion years old, and yet they are fully formed!
by Jonathan Sarfati
Genetic code optimisation: Part 1
27 Dec 2013
Could the genetic code be optimized naturalistically?
by Royal Truman, Peer Terborg
Basics of biblical biology
26 Dec 2013
While design is fundamental to biblical biology, there is more to the story …
by Shaun Doyle
Celebrating Twelve Names of Christ
19 Dec 2023
‘At the name of Jesus … ’ At this Christmastime, take a few moments to reflect on the Name that is above all Names.
by Deborah Wuehler
Creation in schools hits the headlines
24 Dec 2013
Humanists trying to block creation in the classroom—aided by Christians?
by Philip Bell
Permission to believe the Bible
23 Dec 2013
Pastor liberated by solid scientific evidence supporting biblical history.
by Tas Walker
Is the Bible reliable as a historical record?
22 Dec 2013
Is the Bible ‘riddled with historical errors’?
by Lita Sanders