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Was Jesus an alien?
10 Feb 2018
How can we show the absurdity of the ‘alien Jesus’ idea?
by Shaun Doyle
The Cenozoic, Flood processes, and post-Flood catastrophism—problems and parameters
09 Feb 2018
Where in the geologic record is the Flood/post-Flood boundary?
by Michael J. Oard
The great educational experiment
08 Feb 2018
Why using public money for school education is dangerous to children.
by Jenny Arms
Music: A crucial gift
06 Feb 2018
New research reveals that love of music is a foundational part of our design
by Jonathan OBrien
Not-so-‘Still Life’
05 Feb 2018
Not everyone sees a bowl of fruit as being ‘still’.
by David Catchpoole
Noah’s Flood—the big picture
03 Feb 2018
Learning to see Noah’s Flood in geological maps and reports.
by Tas Walker
The Red Sea Crossing: can secular science model miracles?
02 Feb 2018
Can secular scientists really investigate the parting of the waters that allowed the Israelites to escape the Egyptians?
by John K. Reed and Carl R. Froede Jr
Monkeying around with cloning
01 Feb 2018
New monkey clones made the same way as Dolly the sheep. What happened, what should we think of this, and how would it apply to humans?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Lasting impressions
31 Jan 2018
A smelly creature leaves the senses reeling, but is another example of the Creator’s genius.
by Tom Hennigan
How can we be sure we have the Word of God?
30 Jan 2018
Skeptics claim “The Bible is just a book written by men.” Do you have an answer?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Biblical text transmitted accurately over millennia
29 Jan 2018
Skeptics question answered! The Bible has been transcribed faithfully over thousands of years.
by Tas Walker
The fossil record and Precambrian rabbits
27 Jan 2018
Why unexpected fossil finds won’t falsify evolution.
by Tas Walker