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Great creation scientists: James Clerk Maxwell
27 Apr 2016
Mathematical genius James Clerk Maxwell applied Bible knowledge in his scientific investigations.
by Ann Lamont
The importance of creation in evangelism
26 Apr 2016
It is often necessary to show that the Bible is trustworthy from the beginning before a person indoctrinated in evolution will accept the Gospel.
by Don Batten
Pitcher plants and animal sanitation
25 Apr 2016
The pitcher plant that encourages small animals to drop by, leaving their ‘calling card’
by Jonathan Sarfati
God’s Not Dead 2—A movie review
23 Apr 2016
God’s Not Dead 2 offers Christians a minimal amount of basic, historical, scriptural apologetics regarding the historicity of Jesus Christ’s ministry and the validity of the Bible.
by Calvin Smith
Exploring Intelligent Design language in Genesis 2 and Acts 17—yatsar and poieō
22 Apr 2016
Evidence of God’s creative craftsmanship is even found in the very words of Scripture.
by Andrew Sibley
Five Atheist miracles
11 Nov 2021
Atheists actually believe in miracles without any reasonable cause for them.
by Don Batten
Johannes Kepler (1571–1630)
20 Apr 2016
The world knows about the laws of planetary motion thanks to the faithful scientific endeavor of the Bible-believer Johannes Kepler.
by Ann Lamont
Pandoraviruses: a Pandora’s Box of trouble for evolution 
19 Apr 2016
As if viruses weren’t already hard enough to place on the evolutionary ‘tree of life’, along comes Pandora
by David Catchpoole
Radiometric backflip
18 Apr 2016
The discovery of bird tracks in ‘Late Triassic’ rocks once again puts a big question mark over the veracity of long-age radiometric techniques
by Jonathan O'Brien
Incest in Noah’s family?
16 Apr 2016
Why there’s no problem establishing the human population from the eight survivors of Noah’s Flood
by Keaton Halley
Are cosmic rays affecting high-latitude winter cyclones?
15 Apr 2016
Meteorological models, ‘climate change’, and high-latitude cyclones.
by Jake Hebert
Planetary system formation: exposing naturalistic storytelling
14 Apr 2016
The naturalistic model to explain how stars formed shows fatal flaws when compared with the known laws of physics.
by John G. Hartnett