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The FOXP2 gene supports Neandertals being fully human
11 Sep 2009
DNA analysis reveals the exact same protein as modern humans supporting the creationist interpretation.
by Peer Terborg and Royal Truman
The ‘gender neutral’ Bible
10 Sep 2009
‘Inclusive’ versions of the Bible distort the message of Scripture to avoid being offensive.
by Lita Sanders
The Stickleback: Evidence of evolution?
08 Sep 2009
The pro-Darwin crowd are crowing over rapid and dramatic changes in a little fish—dubbing it a ‘superstar’ of evolution.
by David Catchpoole
A fearsome reptile
07 Sep 2009
Crocs are fearsome reptiles, but with fascinating features that speak of creation.
by Tom Hennigan
Knowing Christ through creation evangelism; Link between Atheism, Communism
05 Sep 2009
A correspondent who once mocked Christians tells of the time he watched two brave young men declare their faith in the open. Their street preaching was not in vain.
by Daniel H (edited by CW)
Southern Greenland—warm and ice free!
27 Nov 2015
Ice core discovery supports the creationist model of the post-Flood ice age.
by Michael J. Oard
Biblical worldview project for parents and grandparents
03 Sep 2009
A meaningful way to pass on the biblical worldview.
by Winston Broad
Evangelical Christian leaders promote evolution
01 Sep 2009
Lecturers from Christian training institutions reject plain reading of Genesis.
by Adrian Bates
Lifting for the Lord
31 Aug 2009
In all that she does, Olympic weightlifter Deborah Lovely gives God the glory.
by David Catchpoole
Leave Darwin alone!
29 Aug 2009
Some criticize creationist groups such as CMI for critiquing Darwin.
by Carl Wieland
Mars’ catastrophic geology
28 Aug 2009
Flooding, volcanism, glacial movement, sedimentary deposits and even geysers point to a violent past not long ago.
by Wayne Spencer
Who has an answer?
27 Aug 2009
Apologetics may be the key to keeping young people in the Church.
by Lita Sanders