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Blame CMI?
17 Apr 2010
Is CMI responsible for the scientific illiteracy of the average churchgoer? And also for the continued promotion by some of the ‘Vapour Canopy’ theory?
by Carl Wieland
Cuvier’s analogy and its consequences
16 Apr 2010
Forensics vs testimony as historical evidence
by John Reed
Sediba: New alleged hominid ignites debate, but is no missing link
15 Apr 2010
The papers are full of the usual hype that a definite and crucially important human ancestor has been found. But a closer look reveals more of the ‘same old-same-old’.
by Peter Line
Our brain: Do we use only a small portion of it?
25 Jan 2023
A big question about the most complex structure in the universe
by Carl Wieland
Atheists credit the Gospel
13 Apr 2010
Two high-profile atheists concede that to get practical help to the poor and liberate them from poverty you need Christianity’s teaching about man’s place in the Universe
by David Catchpoole
‘Seashells in the desert’
12 Apr 2010
The massive limestone blocks of the Egyptian pyramids contain abundant fossil shells. How did they get there?
by David Catchpoole
Creation articles stir deep thinking
10 Apr 2010
The matter of origins can raise lots and lots and LOTS of issues in people’s minds.
by Carl Wieland
Constellations: legacy of the dispersion from Babel
09 Apr 2010
Containing memories of ancient historical events but not a kind of primeval revelation
by Jonathan F. Henry
Justifying apostasy
08 Apr 2010
A formerly well-known Australian pastor has written a book to persuade people to join him in atheism. No prizes for guessing which book of the Bible he attacks the most.
by Carl Wieland
Noah—the man who trusted God
07 Apr 2010
By fleshing out the details with reasoned imagination, the Bible’s true account of the Flood comes vividly alive …
by Renton Maclachlan
Why did Jesus die?
06 Apr 2010
How evolution and long ages destroy the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
by Roger Birch
The Island rule—recipe for evolution or extinction?
05 Apr 2010
Animals migrating to islands can become bigger or smaller, but not a different kind of animal.
by Garry Graham