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Deconstructing Darwin—full steam ahead!
17 Mar 2009
CMI’s Deconstructing Darwin meetings are having an impact.
by Calvin Smith
Should missionary societies have a position on creation/evolution?
16 Mar 2009
Missionaries need to face the fact that they’re going to have to tell (potential) converts what Genesis means—i.e. whether it is historical truth or theological ‘myth’.
by Russell Grigg
Do large crystals in granite prove very slow cooling?
14 Mar 2009
An old oft-quoted argument for long ages turns out to be invalid.
by Tas
Evidence for turtle evolution
13 Mar 2009
Turtles have unique design, and their hard shells leave an excellent fossil record. Yet they show no evolution—the ‘oldest’ turtles are fully-formed turtles.
by Jerry Bergman and Wayne Frair
New footprints from Ileret, Kenya, supposed to be from human evolutionary ancestor
12 Mar 2009
And all based on the angle of the big toe!
by Michael J. Oard
How your brain creates God?
10 Mar 2009
A new study indicates that people naturally believe in God. So, does the universal thirst for God indicate His reality, or did the brain evolve to make God?
by Adrian Bates
Pascal’s wager
09 Mar 2009
Simple logic shows that it is foolish to ignore the claims of Christ.
by Russell Steyne
Answering another uninformed atheist: Galileo, Miller–Urey, probability
07 Mar 2009
Historical revisionism about Galileo, and handwaving probability assertions, are no match for real history and science. Chemical evolution is still bankrupt regardless of atheists’ blind faith in it.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Intelligent debate
06 Mar 2009
Evolutionists fiercely attacked the Intelligent Design movement, but it still succeeds in showing intractable problems for materialism, especially in the origin of first life. A biblical perspective is more effective still.
by Lael Weinberger
The forgotten kingdom of the Hittites
05 Mar 2009
For 3,000 years, only the Bible preserved a record of their greatness.
by n/a
Darwin’s real message: have you missed it?
24 Jul 2019
Darwin’s real message—have you missed it? Some evolutionists really do understand its materialistic implications.
by Carl Wieland
The trial and death of Adolf Eichmann
03 Mar 2009
Eichmann’s evolutionary worldview provided the rationale for his participation in the Nazi Holocaust, with no regrets.
by Russell Grigg