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Sermon material for preachers
19 Feb 2014
What do you teach a congregation that already believes the Genesis creation account?
by David Catchpoole
Finding faith
18 Feb 2014
CMI’s Jonathan O’Brien tells how he became a Christian, a geologist, and a young-Earth believer.
by Jonathan O'Brien
Discovering scientific evidence for creation
17 Feb 2014
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Is Genesis allegory or poetry?
16 Feb 2014
If Genesis is mere ‘poetry’ or allegory, then what about the resurrection of Jesus?
by Russell Grigg
How old is Australia’s Great Barrier Reef?
15 Feb 2014
It’s a lot younger than many people believe.
by Peter Read and Andrew Snelling
Information Theory—part 3: introduction to Coded Information Systems
14 Feb 2014
Introduction to Coded Information Systems.
by Royal Truman
Creation evangelism in Japan
13 Feb 2014
Japanese churches using Acts 17 evangelism see conversion growth.
by Don Batten
Dugongs: ‘sirens’ of the sea
12 Feb 2014
The order Sirenia defies evolutionary classification.
by Paula Weston
Camels and the Bible
11 Feb 2014
Do the recent claims that there were no camels in Canaan until long after Abraham disprove the Bible?
by Lita Sanders
Original animal protein in fossils?
10 Feb 2014
Complex biomolecules such as proteins are increasingly being found in fossils supposedly ‘millions of years old’.
by Brian Thomas
What was Adam’s sin?
09 Feb 2014
Adam’s sin: deliberately choosing to disobey God and so putting his own authority above God’s.
by Russell Grigg
Surprise, surprise—box jellyfish eyes
08 Feb 2014
The lowly, ‘basal’ box jellyfish has astonished scientists with its capacity to see things above the water.
by David Catchpoole