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Picture Gorge shouts sudden cataclysm
10 Nov 2009
But most geologists don’t see it because they’re not looking for it.
by Steve Wolfe
The Fourth Kind movie review
09 Nov 2009
A scary movie allegedly based on real events seeks to diminish man’s importance at the center of God’s creation.
by Gary Bates
The “indoctrination” of children
07 Nov 2009
A correspondent tackles CMI over our comments about the teaching of children.
by Lita Sanders
Did immune system antibody diversity evolve?
06 Nov 2009
The various adaptive immune systems in the animal kingdom are all equally complex, yet with major discontinuities between them.
by Jerry Bergman and Nancy O
Darwin, Lyell and Origin of Species
05 Nov 2009
Charles Darwin
by Dominic Statham
From sand to rock—fast!
03 Nov 2009
With the help of added microbes, researchers can turn soft sand into rock as hard as marble. You don’t need millions of years.
by David Catchpoole
Significance versus insignificance
02 Nov 2009
Secularists, such as Carl Sagan, diminish the significance of humans in their cosmology and then struggle to find meaning and purpose for human life.
by Don Batten
More “RNA world” claims
31 Oct 2009
Has spontaneous RNA self-replication been found, and is it evidence for chemical evolution? And is CMI ignorant of speciation?
by Jonathan Sarfati and Lita Cosner
How life works
30 Oct 2009
Life is not a naturalistic phenomenon with unlimited evolutionary potential as Darwin proposed.
by Alex Williams
P.Z. Myers’ evolutionary equivocation
29 Oct 2009
My brush with PZ Myers at one of his skeptical anti-creationist talks.
by Greg Demme
Darwinopterus v Dawkins
27 Oct 2009
Dawkins’ latest book The Greatest Show on Earth purports to provide the proof of evolution. Yet this new pterosaur fossil upsets a hypothesis he endorses. Read this chapter from our forthcoming refutation.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Hooray for eugenics!’
16 May 2012
Last century many religious leaders embraced eugenics, the elimination of the ‘unfit’ from mankind’s breeding pool. Invented by Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, it reached its apex in Nazi Germany.
by Russell Grigg