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The seven-day cycle
08 Jul 2015
It doesn’t divide into the year and it doesn’t fit into the month! So where does the seven-day week come from?
by David Malcolm
Jurassic World: A review
07 Jul 2015
For audiences that want bigger and badder dinosaurs, this movie does not disappoint.
by Keaton Halley, Lita Cosner
Genesis is history!
09 Sep 2023
The language of Genesis shows that it’s history, and that’s how the rest of the Bible treats it.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Four steps for surviving evolution classes at high school
11 Nov 2020
How teenagers with little knowledge and experience can hold their own in evolution classes.
by Tas Walker
Fossilized insects show signs of stasis and rapid burial!
03 Jul 2015
Fossilized in the act of mating, these insects were clearly rapidly buried.
by Johan Kruger
Who’s in the driver’s seat?
02 Jul 2015
Some Theistic Evolutionists and Old Earth Creationists have said that the Young Earth position is intellectually inferior and downright embarrassing! What motivates their embarrassment? The Bible!
by Calvin Smith
Creation in Isaiah
01 Jul 2015
God as Creator described in Isaiah as having absolute power over all of creation.
by C.E.A. Turner
Here’s the Intel; Stephen Hawking fears robots could wipe us out
30 Jun 2015
Why is the world’s so-called smartest man so afraid of rapid technological advancements? 
by Warren Nunn
US Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage—now what?
29 Jun 2015
What should Christians do when what is an abomination to God becomes the law of the land?
Evolution: just a change in allele frequencies?
27 Jun 2015
Answering a critic who claims that evolution is proven by trivial biological changes.
by Keaton Halley
Worldviews, logic, and earth’s age—part 2
26 Jun 2015
Deep-time compromise has had a negative effect on the Christian church despite claims to the contrary.
by John K. Reed and Shaun Doyle
Dinosaur proteins and radiocarbon wreak ‘Jurassic World’ havoc
25 Jun 2015
Collaborative creation research falsifies the evolutionary dates for the alleged ‘age of dinosaurs’.
by Brian Thomas