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Den of ape-men or chambers of the sickly?
25 May 2017
How do we interpret the latest Homo naledi findings with their associated ‘ape-man’ connotations and claims?
by Peter Line
“What?… Teach my children unbiblical ideas?”
24 May 2017
Simply knowing about ideas that contradict Christianity can help young people stand firm against them.
by Joel Tay
Learning the lessons of Mount St Helens
23 May 2017
The catastrophic event that revealed how wrongly geologists understood and explained volcanic landscapes.
by Tas Walker
Carl Linnaeus: the scientist who saw evidence for God in everything in nature
22 May 2017
A man who recognised order in nature now lends his name to a well-known classification system in science.
by Russell Grigg
What about those who have never heard the Gospel?
20 May 2017
When we think about those who have not yet heard the Gospel, our response should drive us to evangelism.
by Lita Sanders
Nylon-degrading bacteria: update
19 May 2017
‘Exhibit A’ for evolution in recent times, further research shows that this one does not stack up either.
by Don Batten
Faltering on the Flood
18 May 2017
Answering Christian leaders who claim that it makes no difference whether Noah’s Flood was global or local.
by Keaton Hally
Ghostly coincidence in an unusual fish
17 May 2017
In the Amazon River there is a creature with ‘electric’ senses it uses both in attack and defense.
by Carl Wieland
Evolution vs human behaviour
16 May 2017
If evolution is true, why are many human behaviours anti-evolutionary?
by Mark James
‘One, Two, Three, Many!’
15 May 2017
‘Stone Age’ people can’t count beyond three, right? Wrong.
by David Catchpoole
Does the Old Testament reveal the Trinity?
13 May 2017
A supporter asks whether any biblical passages before the time of Christ indicated God’s triune nature.
by Keaton Halley
A preliminary age calibration for the post-glacial-maximum period
12 May 2017
By using the same methods that long-age geochronologists employ, we can propose a timeframe for the end of the Ice Age.
by Tas Walker