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What about parasites?
06 Sep 2010
If God created everything ‘very good’, where did disease-causing parasites come from?
by Robert Gurney
Logistics of the Exodus
04 Sep 2010
How did Moses organize the Israelites to cross the Red Sea?
by Lita Sanders
Karyotypic and allelic diversity within the canid baramin (Canidae)
03 Sep 2010
The genetic diversity within dogs is greater than natural selection and random mutation would allow. Did God design genetic mechanisms to create diversity within biblical kinds?
by Jean K. Lightner
NASA pictures support biblical origin for Moon
02 Sep 2010
Small escarpments on the moon surface show the moon is young
by Tas Walker
Should Genesis be taken literally?
08 Nov 2023
How would the original readers have understood it?
by Russell Grigg
The World Turned Upside Down
31 Aug 2010
A special Journal of Creation preprint review of respected British journalist Melanie Phillips’ important book—showing how Western civilization and its once-Christian moorings are under attack by rampant, aggressive, secularism.
by Dominic Statham
Who created God?
06 May 2023
Atheists say that the universe and life began with no adequate cause, contradicting rationality.
by Don Batten
Sight and the centre of the universe
28 Aug 2010
How far is the earth from the centre of the universe? And How many receptors does the human eye have?
by John Hartnett and Jonathan Sarfati
A biblical basis for ecology, with applications in mycorrhizal symbioses in orchids
27 Aug 2010
How can we use the Bible as a basis for understanding the interrelationships between different organisms in the ecosystem?
by Tom Hennigan
‘Moa’s Ark’ vs Noah’s Ark
26 Aug 2010
How and when did the moa, kiwi and other flightless birds get to New Zealand? Accumulating evidence has upset long-held evolutionary ideas.
by David Catchpoole
Red-blooded evidence
19 Jun 2013
Refuting the evolutionary ‘sea-water’ argument.
by Don Batten
The use of Genesis in the New Testament
21 Jun 2022
Why should New Testament scholars care about the interpretation of Genesis? Because the New Testament quotes it frequently—as history!
by Lita Sanders