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Open questions on the Origin of Life in 2014
02 Sep 2016
For those seeking to explain life’s origins from an evolutionary perspective, the gap between aspirations and evidence remains vast.
by Peter M Murphy
What is your child’s authority?
01 Sep 2016
A series about creationist kids at an evolutionist science camp has lessons for parents.
by Lita Sanders
Football banana-throwing racism
30 Aug 2016
What’s the basis for the racist symbolism of hurling bananas at black football players?
by David Catchpoole
Hypostatic Union: Did Jesus know when he was coming back?
27 Aug 2016
How can Jesus be God if he does not know what the Father knows?
by Joel Tay
Warm early Eocene Antarctica
26 Aug 2016
There was a time when one of the world’s coldest and iciest regions was much warmer.
by Michael J Oard
God’s rest—A problem for theistic evolution
25 Aug 2016
While the Bible says God finished His work of creation, theistic evolutionists say the world is still under construction.
by Keaton Halley
Did Noah need oxygen above the mountains?
24 Aug 2016
Air pressure is the clue to answering this question.
by Don Batten
Chinese flood at Jishi Gorge is not Noah’s Flood
23 Aug 2016
Reasons why it is not Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
The cartoonification of Noah’s Ark
22 Aug 2016
It’s vital to give a clear picture of the size and shape of one of the most important vessel humans ever made.
by Phil Robinson
Respectful disagreement?
20 Aug 2016
Is disagreement of other worldviews disrespectful and what’s love got to do with it?
by Philip Bell
Is there a Reformed approach to science and Scripture?
19 Aug 2016
Ambiguity rules when the question of theology and the age of the earth are considered.
by Ian Hodge
A ‘no brainer’ test for measuring the faith of our young ones
18 Aug 2016
Quiet children might be ‘good’ children. But if they are not asking challenging questions about the faith then they might be borrowing yours!
by Gary Bates