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Avian deceptions
29 Sep 2021
What is brood parasitism? Can evolution explain its origin?
by Jon Ahlquist
The 7 Churches of Revelation, Times of Fire: movie review
28 Sep 2021
By looking at the archaeological record and trying to understand what the early churches went through, there are lessons for us today.
by Gary Bates
Duck-billed dinosaur
27 Sep 2021
Has preserved skin, blood vessels, and bone cells
by Philip Robinson
Is Jesus the Creator?
25 Sep 2021
Does Scripture teach that Jesus is the Creator? Is He the begotten Son of God or was he created? Could he die physically if he is God?
by Thomas Bailey
Dread of man: part 2—fear, hunting, and human diet
24 Sep 2021
Was the ‘fear and dread’ of man in the animals after Noah’s Flood something new God specially brought about?
by Philip Bell
‘Evolution explains everything about life’
23 Sep 2021
Grandiose claims by leading experts, for evolution’s power to explain ‘everything about life’, are ably combatted in a compelling new book, by 10 PhD scientists.
by Philip Bell
How long were the Israelites in Egypt?
21 Sep 2021
The time the Israelites spent in Egypt is a matter of much debate, but it can be resolved by taking a deep dive into their fascinating family history.
by Robert Carter and Lita Sanders
The lush green Sahara
20 Sep 2021
How does the biblical framework explain a wet, lush Sahara in the past?
by Mike Oard
CMI is asked what they think about Immanuel Velikovky’s unorthodox ideas
18 Sep 2021
A supporter writes into CMI with a series of perceptive questions critical of the late Immanuel Velikovsky and asks what does CMI think?
by Gavin Cox
Dread of man: part 1—hermeneutics, cultural evolution, and biblical history
17 Sep 2021
Was the ‘fear and dread’ of man in the animals after Noah’s Flood something new God specially brought about?
by Philip Bell
The oldest example of applied geometry in the world
16 Sep 2021
A newly interpreted Old-Babylonian clay tablet reveals a sophisticated understanding of mathematics and survey consistent with the biblical timeframe
by Gavin Cox
More than a billion years missing from the Great Unconformity at Grand Canyon?
14 Sep 2021
How Noah’s Flood solves long standing geological puzzles
by Michael J. Oard