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Fitness and ‘Reductive Evolution’
27 Dec 2018
Time to clear up the confusion caused by misleading use of the term ‘fitness’.
by Paul Price, Robert Carter
William of Ockham
26 Dec 2018
The Bible is the supreme authority in all it teaches. All else, and particularly human conjecture, is subordinate to and corrected by the written Word of God.
by Russell Grigg
Christmas and Genesis connected by Apollo 8 Astronauts
25 Dec 2018
On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 read from the Genesis account of creation.
by Jim Mason
Bodily functions and blue eyes in the pre-Fall world?
22 Dec 2018
How helpful are our ideas of beauty and disgust at gauging what the pre-Fall world was like?
by Shaun Dayle
The total bankruptcy of so-called theistic evolution
21 Dec 2018
The total bankruptcy of so-called theistic evolution.
by John Woodmorappe
How abortion harms women
21 Dec 2021
What does the science say?
by Kathy Wallace
Recent origin of species
19 Dec 2018
It does not add up for the evolutionary story.
by Don Batten
'Why do you just bash evolution?'
18 Dec 2018
Does CMI just bash evolution? Learn about both the positive and negative arguments in biblical apologetics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Cosmic storytelling
17 Dec 2018
When it comes to explaining how our universe came into being, widespread speculation is embraced over hard evidence.
by John Hartnett
How should we love and pray for those with whom we disagree?
15 Dec 2018
Responding to correspondents who take exception to our recent articles about Andy Stanley.
by Lita Sanders
Hitler the evolutionist; Hitler the pantheist (Hitler the atheist—Yes)
14 Dec 2018
What was Hitler’s worldview? A review of Hitler’s religion by Richard Weikart
by John Woodmorappe
Defending Genesis is popular!
13 Dec 2018
CMI’s new resource is a collection of the best of 40 years of Creation magazine.
by Gary Bates