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Biblical history and the role of science
14 Nov 2011
Science can help elucidate Scripture, including model-building to aid understanding. But these models must be held loosely, never given the same authority as God-breathed Scripture.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
A riff on Genesis hits a few sour notes
20 Mar 2012
The Bible’s message is spiritual, but it would be meaningless if it were not also historical.
by Lita Sanders
The amazing sea horse
22 Jul 2015
The father gives birth and it has no evolutionary links. It may be the world’s most baffling fish!
by David Juhasz
How life works
30 Oct 2009
Life is not a naturalistic phenomenon with unlimited evolutionary potential as Darwin proposed.
by Alex Williams
Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?
21 Sep 2022
If Darwin had today’s knowledge of the complexity of life, the lack of transitional fossils, the crumbling evidence for the tree of life, would he have been an evolutionist?
by Don Batten
Vintage Journal: Genesis 6–9
11 Feb 2011
Does ‘all’ mean the Flood was global?
by Mike Kruger
Naturalism in the light of reality
14 Jun 2012
There’s more to reality than naturalism can fathom …
by Robert Gurney
Suicidal atheist converts to Christ
22 Aug 2009
A former atheist found himself suicidal when he realized the implications of atheism, which logically destroys all meaning and purpose in our existence. Thankfully he has now found purpose and meaning.
by Don Batten
A biblical basis for ecology, with applications in mycorrhizal symbioses in orchids
27 Aug 2010
How can we use the Bible as a basis for understanding the interrelationships between different organisms in the ecosystem?
by Tom Hennigan
Does the Bible condemn homosexuality?
06 Feb 2016
We answer the questions: Does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? And, is the order of creation important?
by Lita Sanders
Unnatural selection
29 Oct 2019
Genetic engineering is no longer in the realm of science fiction. We review a Netflix series called Unnatural Selection and discuss the implications of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology.
by Robert Carter and Scott Gillis
From skepticism to faith in Christ: a Nobel Laureate’s journey
09 Jul 2012
This ‘stickler for scientific credibility and integrity’ looked into evolution and got angry.
by Jerry Bergman