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SETI@home project closing down
20 Jul 2020
The crowdsourced search for intelligent extraterrestrials known as SETI@home has shut down after two decades of failed searching.
by Paul Price, Gary Bates
‘Unique’ two-headed reptile fossil
03 May 2010
A two-headed reptile fossil in Cretaceous rock lived and died after Adam sinned, not before.
by David Catchpoole
Unearthing exciting evidence for creation
18 Mar 2020
Gary Bates interviews fossil researcher Vance Nelson
by Gary Bates
Junk DNA—from science stopper to sickness source
04 Feb 2020
There’s compelling evidence that the evolutionary concept of junk DNA has held back medical science for decades.
by Pekka Reinikainen
Deadly plant’s flowers in amber deadly to evolution
26 Sep 2018
Many people know that Strychnos plants contain strychnine, a deadly poison. The discovery of its flowers in amber is ‘deadly’ to evolution.
by Philip Bell and David Catchpoole
Humanists UK seek to ‘ban repentance’!
22 Feb 2022
Will it be legal to encourage repentance from sexual sin?
by Gavin Cox
Noah revisited
Take a trip back in time and imagine what may have been said in an interview at the Ark building site.
by Gillian Middleton
Paleoanthropology in Australia—Homo erectus and modern human origins
28 Feb 2020
Homo erectus and modern human origins
by Peter Line
Bahá’í (Mis-)Behaviour
29 Sep 2015
Tolerant and peace-loving Bahá’í followers never argue—or so they argue.
by David Catchpoole
Ants: the incredible heavy-lifting champions
18 Jul 2016
Amazing design allows a tiny, fragile creature to lift objects way beyond its size.
by Cody Guitard
Bunnies cute and cursed
24 Feb 2020
Loved or loathed, rabbits certainly fit the biblical narrative, not an evolutionary one.
by David Catchpoole
Saturnian ‘pristine’ problem
02 Jan 2019
The evolutionary timeline has a problem: Saturn’s icy rings are too ‘pristine’.
by David Catchpoole