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From Shadows to Light
27 Nov 2011
Believing God’s Word, and receiving the salvation on offer through His Son Jesus Christ, won’t mean an end to your problems while on this earth. But it sure helps to make sense of them.
by David Catchpoole
Doctor realizes importance of creation education
24 Jul 2017
Dr Lainna Callentine, author of a homeschool science curriculum, talks about her journey and the importance of creation.
by Lita Sanders
Why I believe in biblical Creation
28 Nov 2019
Finnish editor and software engineer Ari Takku tells how he became a creationist.
by Ari Takku
Thoughts on the nutritional challenges faced by felines
03 May 2019
How did their digestive biology change to make them need meat?
by Warren Shipton
The ‘interpretation argument’: an irrefutable argument against Christianity?
26 Jun 2021
An ex-Christian posts a video claiming to have an irrefutable argument against Christianity. We respond.
by Lita Sanders
Do large crystals in granite prove very slow cooling?
14 Mar 2009
An old oft-quoted argument for long ages turns out to be invalid.
by Tas
Alien Intrusion: The Movie
06 Jun 2017
The video production coordinator of the new Alien Intrusion movie gives some behind-the-scenes details of shooting the movie.
by Murphy Thelen
Resurgence of the beastly bedbugs
13 May 2016
Their numbers are increasing … and they’re really putting the bite on more and more of us.
by Frank Sherwin
Feathered pterosaurs: ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution
09 Oct 2020
Ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution.
by Joel Tay
The positive case for creation
08 Mar 2022
Creationists are not merely anti-evolution. We are pro-Bible, and advance constructive arguments for biblical creation. Here’s the evidence.
by Keaton Halley
Immanuel: The Gospel according to Isaiah
15 Aug 2018
Isaiah prophesied the Messiah’s arrival hundreds of years in advance.
by Lita Sanders
Science magazine attacks the Bible
07 Dec 2017
Science magazine uses a new museum as a pretext for attacking faith in the Bible.
by Lita Sanders