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Natural selection cannot explain the origin of life
31 Mar 2021
The evolutionary hype around this month’s celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species ignores a key problem that even Darwin acknowledged.
by DC, JS & DB
Computers on the Ark?
23 Nov 2010
The Ark was totally feasible with technology known to the ancient world. But Ark defenders who assert superior science by Noah overlook the biblical worldview that made science possible.
by Jonathan Sarfati
New archaeological find affirms Old Testament historicity
31 Jul 2007
The discovery of a tablet with details of one of Nebuchadnezzar’s court officials supports the historicity of the book of Jeremiah.
by Don Batten
The Amazing Stone Bears of Yorkshire
11 Jan 2017
The notion that petrification processes take thousands of years blown out of the water in a matter of weeks.
by Monty White
Laminin, Atlas moths, and ‘gay’ brains
30 Aug 2008
Is there really a protein shaped like Jesus? cross? Are there really moths that look like snakes? And are some people really born with ?gay? brains?
by Andrew Lamb
Strong case, but flawed by compromise
03 Apr 2009
A generally useful apologetics book but has several blind spots about the age of the earth.
by Lita Sanders
Vampire finches of the Galápagos
18 Aug 2008
If you think finches are cute birds that eat seeds, then check out the ones on Wolf Island.
by David Catchpoole
Why did God allow sin at all?
23 Dec 2017
Could God have created a world where nobody sinned? If so, why didn’t He?
by Shaun Doyle
What caused the Ice Age?
14 Dec 2015
The question of Ice Ages proves more of a problem for secular scientists to answer than it does for creationists.
by Michael J. Oard
Scientific proof we were created by aliens?
01 May 2014
Does our DNA point to alien creators?
by Gary Bates
Homology made simple
27 Jan 2014
Does common anatomy necessarily point to common ancestry?
by Dominic Statham
Errors in the Bible?
30 Jan 2024
If there are errors of detail in the Bible, doesn’t that mean that everything—including the Resurrection—is open to question?
by CW & Lita Cosner