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Deceitful religious education
07 Jan 2021
Are big bang and evolution compatible with the Bible? Religious Education group RE Today say so, but their curriculum resource leads to confusion instead of clarity on key issues of faith.
by Gavin Cox & Lucien Tuinstra
A response to a long Sojourn advocate
30 Oct 2021
Scholars debate the length of time the Israelites spent in Egypt, but the long Sojourn view of 430 years has more weaknesses than most assume
by Robert Carter
Dr Johan Kruger passes the torch
26 Sep 2017
For 16 years Dr Johan Kruger, founder of CMI-South Africa laboured tirelessly, defending the historicity of Genesis and demonstrating that Genesis is foundational to the Gospel.
by Robert Zins
A blunt instrument for God?
26 Sep 2019
We seek to “destroy arguments” that oppose Christianity, but to win people.
by Gary Bates
Body, soul, and spirit
19 Jun 2021
What does the term “soul” mean? What are the components of human beings, and how are they transmitted from generation to generation? Are Christian doctrines Greek or Hebrew?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The house that changed colour
01 Dec 2021
Would an atheist believe in God if his house changed colour overnight?
by Ari Takku
Nuclear fusion: the future of energy?
03 Mar 2022
Will nuclear fusion be the energy provider of the future? Joint European Torus breaks record and paves the way for ITER.
by Lucien Tuinstra
“Conservative” news site publishes pro-evolution misinformation piece
16 May 2019
A new article from a well-known conservative news site promotes evolution uncritically.
by Paul Price
The proportion of polypeptide chains which generate native folds—part 3: designed secondary structures
24 May 2013
Are native-like protein folds easy to generate naturally?
by Royal Truman
Blob or baby?
With scientific advancement comes ethical issues, particularly when it involves human life.
by Alexander Williams
Tunnel valleys can be formed in one ice age by catastrophic flow
13 Sep 2019
Can they be formed catastrophically?
by Michael J. Oard
Punching holes in Scripture
14 Jun 2018
When someone rejects biblical teaching in one area, it shouldn’t surprise us when they end up eventually rejecting all of it.
by Lita Sanders