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Frozen in stone … in just decades
14 Oct 2013
Thousands of years? Nope—just decades
by Jonathan O’Brien
A foundation with a few cracks
19 Feb 2010
A review of Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Can dinosaurs falsify evolution?
02 Aug 2016
Dinosaurs captivate old and young alike, but why do people think they prove evolution?
by Gary Bates
‘Awful’ rules in the Bible
18 Aug 2013
Is the Good Book really good?
by Keaton Halley
Of snakes, lizards and mosasaurs—evolutionists puzzle over snake origins
Of snakes, lizards and mosasaurs—evolutionists puzzle over snake origins
by Philip Bell
What percentage is acceptable to you?
16 Jan 2014
Is your family equipped to stand against the challenge?
by Scott Gillis
How did the toucan get its beak?
30 Sep 2010
Darwin suggested the toucan’s monstrous bill attracted mates—but now we know how the toucan keeps its ‘cool’.
by David Catchpoole
The treasures of the snow
13 Jun 2011
Why do snow crystals form such symmetrical shapes? How is this different from DNA and protein organization?
by Martin Tampier
The evolutionary parade of ‘missing links’
29 May 2012
The floats keep changing!
by Carl Wieland
‘Stone Age’ flour forces rethink
04 Nov 2010
The notion that early humans were primarily carnivorous has taken a hit.
by David Catchpoole
Here there be dragons … but no centaurs
10 Feb 2013
Is the creationist dragon/dino link similar to ancient belief in centaurs?
by Carl Wieland
How does a ‘box’ swim?
24 Apr 2013
Perhaps you might expect a boxfish to “swim as well as a barn would fly.” In fact, navy engineers are learning important lessons from them.
by David Catchpoole