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Miller’s meanderings: only the same bogus contentions
04 Jun 2010
A review of Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America’s Soul by Kenneth Miller.
by John Woodmorappe
‘Seashells in the desert’
12 Apr 2010
The massive limestone blocks of the Egyptian pyramids contain abundant fossil shells. How did they get there?
by David Catchpoole
The marvellous ‘message molecule’
by Carl Wieland
The Canadian Oil Sands
07 Oct 2010
Where did the oil come from?
by Emil Silvestru
Darwin historians not misrepresented
25 Jul 2009
As CMI’s Darwin documentary The Voyage that Shook the World starts to impact, serious allegations emerge which are easily documented as incorrect.
by CW
Are birds evolving to dodge traffic?
14 Jul 2021
Researchers say that cliff swallows are ‘evolving’ shorter wings to avoid being killed by fast-moving vehicles.
by David Catchpoole
Darwinism has remade Western society—for the worse
26 May 2017
A look at how evolutionary thinking has impacted society far beyond the scientific realm.
by John Woodmorappe
The attack on biblical creation in UK schools continues
09 Mar 2014
The continuing secular offensive against any whiff of creationist influence in UK school classrooms should give pause for thought.
by Phil Robinson
The mysterious alien tablet
01 Jun 2020
Delving into DNA’s mind-blowing, multi-layered information system
by Dom Statham
Water and death throes
08 Jan 2012
Why have so many fossil creatures been preserved in the ‘dead dinosaur posture’?
by Emil Silvestru
Creation economics
13 Dec 2013
The economics of reality.
by Ian Hodge
Four-eyed spookfish has mirror eyes
01 Nov 2010
Deep sea fish has unique mirror eye to see very faint light.
by Jonathan Sarfati