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Age of the Sun
13 Nov 2011
Does the current ratio of helium to hydrogen in the sun prove it is billions of years old?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
05 Jul 2023
Mars: a dry lifeless planet that once had huge floods.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Sirius the documentary
27 Mar 2018
A new UFO movie makes some startling claims about alleged evidence of alien visitations. But people need to look below the surface claims.
by Gary Bates
Sediba: New alleged hominid ignites debate, but is no missing link
15 Apr 2010
The papers are full of the usual hype that a definite and crucially important human ancestor has been found. But a closer look reveals more of the ‘same old-same-old’.
by Peter Line
Permission to believe the Bible
23 Dec 2013
Pastor liberated by solid scientific evidence supporting biblical history.
by Tas Walker
Shame on Charisma!
29 May 2003
The June 2003 issue of the leading Pentecostal magazine Charisma featured a shocking cover story, an error-filled puff piece about the leading ‘progressive creationist’ Hugh Ross plus a hatchet job on biblical (‘young earth’) creation.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why is Dark Matter everywhere in the cosmos?
31 Mar 2015
Despite no verifiable evidence in support of dark matter, its existence is being presented to the public as established fact.
by John Hartnett
Answering 10 big questions in detail
12 Jan 2013
Answering questions on biblical authority, death from sin, dinosaur age, and much more.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Temporal changes in the ageing of biblical patriarchs
12 Jul 2007
Comparison of biblical life spans with those of modern human populations indicates that the ages of the patriarchs are not exaggerated.
by Raúl Erlando López
A ‘165 million year’ surprise
18 Oct 2017
Fossils emerging from a mudflow raise more questions than answers for long-age thinking.
by Andrew A. Snelling
The age of the Jenolan Caves, Australia
13 Jan 2017
The long and tortuous uniformitarian history for these caves is riddled with difficulties.
by Emil Silvestru
Apologist Matt Walsh makes a seriously uninformed attack on biblical creationism
25 Oct 2018
Well-known Christian apologist and blogger Matt Walsh has made an uninformed attack against biblical (young-earth) creationism; CMI responds.
by Paul Price