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Climate models fail warm climates
24 Sep 2010
Why tropical fossils at high latitudes are a headache for climate models
by Michael J Oard
Double doctor doubts Darwinian dogma
31 Mar 2008
Dr Don Johnson, a specialist in Information science and chemistry, shows how evolution is impossible.
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
Darwin and divine design
14 Feb 2011
Charles Darwin’s views about the existence of ‘the Creator’ were, at best, confusing.
by David Catchpoole
Jeremy L. Walter, Ph.D., P.E.
Hachimoji DNA argues against evolution, despite recent claims
12 Mar 2019
Evolutionists claim that an eight-letter DNA alphabet called hachimoji allows for more varied evolution of life, but simple science shows otherwise.
by Matthew Cserhati, Robert Carter
Liberating animists
20 Jul 2009
A missionary to animists and Buddhists in S.E. Asia’s Mekong River region knows where to begin—at the beginning.
by Daron Himstedt
Argentina egg site supports BEDS model
10 Nov 2017
Unscrambling the clues at a fossil site in Argentina which contains thousands of yet-to-be-hatched dinosaurs that have been quickly buried.
by Michael J. Oard
Eden Zoo
18 Jun 2013
Evolutionary ideas of biological origins are in a state of flux but tend towards atheism. The essence of true biology should be the worship of the Creator.
by Andrew Rowell
Creationist cosmology and ‘close encounters’
04 Jun 2011
Creationist cosmologies help a believer see the truth of Genesis, and how we should address UFO believers.
by Gary Bates
Longest recorded fossil drag mark
14 Aug 2017
A dying ammonite leaves behind a permanent impression which tells a story that needs explaining.
by Philip Robinson
Claimed ‘oldest-ever’ amber fossil—millions-of-years mighty mites?
16 May 2013
Claims about the ‘oldest-ever amber fossil’ yet found just don’t stack up.
by Shane Cessna
The Namblong people: ‘We need to know where we come from!
09 Aug 2012
Do you find the Bible’s ‘so-and-so begat so-and-so’ boring? The people of Papua don’t—and they rebuked the SIL translator for wanting to skip over Genesis 5.
by Kevin May