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Amazed to discover evidence for creation
30 Jul 2013
Even after decades at church he had never heard of it before.
by David Spannenberg
Treasure in the Trinity
02 Feb 2017
Why the Trinity is an asset, not a liability.
by Keaton Halley
Design and intelligence—taking the high ground
28 Dec 2009
Where can you get information to tackle head-on the Skeptics’ supposed ‘objections to design’?
by Carl Wieland
An overview of the Denisovan puzzle
28 Jun 2019
How can we understand the mysterious Denisovan people from a biblical perspective?
by Peter Line
Gilding the (sea) lily—Evolutionists’ absurd defense of their long-age story as Mississippian crinoids yield organic molecules
19 Mar 2013
Evolutionary researchers say beautifully preserved sea lily fossils were buried quickly, and contain distinctive organic molecules found in sea lilies today. But then they overstretch …
by David Catchpoole
Atheists in the pulpit—the sad charade of the Clergy Project
05 Sep 2012
When the American Atheists convention was told “I’m a pastor currently serving a Methodist church … and I am an atheist”, the crowd hooted and clapped for over a minute.
by Dr Albert Mohler
Other possible mechanisms for abiogenesis and evolution?
08 Sep 2012
Evolution is unlikely from a scientific perspective not just because of a lack of evidence, but also because what we know works against it.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Humanists say their message is being suppressed
23 Jun 2015
British humanists claim that they are being left out in public dialogue about the question of existence, so they are campaigning for more exposure.
by Warren Nunn
Sola Scriptura in an age of science
08 May 2017
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Lita Sanders
‘Evolution is science, but creationism is religion’
02 Oct 2014
Using buzzwords to divide and deride.
by Shaun Doyle
Is there a God?
12 Feb 2019
Here are Stephen Hawking’s reasons for believing that God does not exist, and ours for believing that he was wrong.
by Russell Grigg
Flying high
Flying high: Interview with Dr Andy McIntosh
by Chris Field