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Floating forest hypothesis fails to explain later and larger coal beds
22 Feb 2019
If most coal was formed from plants other than lycopods, then do we need the floating forest hypothesis to explain the origin of coal?
by Timothy L. Clarey
Fragments of Truth explains why the Bible can be trusted
01 May 2018
A new documentary explains the mountains of evidence for the New Testament text.
by Lita Sanders
“Let’s Just Focus on Jesus”
26 Jan 2010
Ask church leaders to take a stand on Genesis history, and many will suggest that to do so is to distract from what the church should be doing instead.
by Jay Seegert
How did the Fjords form?
15 Feb 2020
Were they carved by the glaciers or was it something else?
by Tas Walker
How on Earth??
19 Jul 2021
Earth’s water didn’t come from meteorites
by Clarence Janzen
Equal airtime to deep time?
26 Oct 2019
Should CMI give equal airtime to ‘billions of years’ ideas at our meetings?
by Shaun Doyle
Poor design, or poorly used design?
20 Oct 2018
Does misuse of a designed object imply it was designed poorly?
by Shaun Doyle
Standing firm in a hostile culture
17 Jul 2018
Many great Christians have taken their stand upon Scripture’s authority, not compromising with pagan culture. Is your faith as rock solid as theirs in the face of secular dogma?
by Thomas Fretwell
Teaching children about animal death
06 Sep 2012
Children can take it hard. What to tell them?
by David Catchpoole
Templeton Prize goes to evolutionist professor
22 Apr 2010
Why has one of the world’s most vocal anti-creationists received this award?
by Russell Grigg
Geniuses for Genesis
by Mark Looy
Orthodox on God; ambivalent on biblical literalism; bypassing science; socially conservative
26 Feb 2021
Orthodox on God, ambivalent on biblical literalism, bypassing science, and socially conservative.
by John Woodmorappe