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Analysis of Walt Brown’s Flood model
07 Apr 2013
Analysis and critique.
by Michael J Oard
‘Parade of mutants’
05 Sep 2011
Pedigree dogs, far from being the ‘most evolved’, are actually the sickest and most genetically impoverished.
by Lita Sanders
Refuting Noah’s ark critics
13 Aug 2016
Article ‘How did all the animals fit on Noah’s Ark?’ has recently been subjected to a barrage of atheistic attacks. However, all fail against simple genetics and animal husbandry methods.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Why CMI doesn’t answer all your questions
11 Jan 2018
CMI is an information ministry—so why are there questions we don’t answer?
by Lita Sanders
The Gospel in time and space
28 Apr 2010
Many puzzling, even bizarre, concepts of modern science help us understand that there is more to reality than what we see …
by Russell Grigg
Dawkins and Eugenics
01 Dec 2006
Prominent Darwinist and anti-Christian, Professor Richard Dawkins, says he hates to be agreeing with Hitler on the point, but applying eugenics to breeding humans is a pretty good idea after all.
by Carl Wieland
Radioactive dating methods
19 Aug 2020
Ways they make conflicting results tell the same story.
by Tas Walker
Understanding death
17 Nov 2021
Answering the question, ‘Why does God allow bad things to happen?’ 
by Gary Bates
Radioactive ‘dating’ in conflict!
03 May 2017
Tree trunks engulfed by molten lava couldn’t survive could they? Here’s evidence that they did!
by Andrew Snelling
Does the Bible really forbid homosexual relationships?
09 Sep 2014
Some argue that a modern understanding of the Bible makes clear that it does not forbid all homosexual relationships. Is this true?
by Dominic Statham
Cheating with chance
27 Feb 2013
Why analogies like the lottery and rare poker hands don’t rebut the miniscule chance of abiogenesis.
by Don Batten
Are women made in God’s image?
04 Aug 2013
Or is the image of God limited to males?
by Keaton Halley