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What should Christians make of Falun Gong and Shen Yun?
14 Feb 2023
Falun Gong and Shen Yun are opposed to atheism and belief in evolution, and appear to preach a recent creation. But what are biblical creationists and Christians generally to think?
by Andrew Sibley
Nagging doubts
17 Mar 2018
Answering the question, “What if I’m wrong about God and the afterlife?”
by Keaton Halley
Were stem cell-like organisms the first forms of life?
22 Jun 2019
Stem cell-like ancestors of sponges only make early life more complex, and the probability of evolution less likely.
by Matthew Cserhati
Must I be a scientist to truly understand the Bible?
25 Mar 2010
All you need is a basic grasp of the issues, not a science degree, to counter today’s widespread evolutionary arguments against God, and reach out to the lost.
by Greg Demme
Evolution is evidently not scientific
11 Aug 2020
Evolution cross-examined in the dock. A British lawyer prosecutes his case against neo-Darwinian evolution.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Changing paradigms in stratigraphy—another ‘new uniformitarianism’?
10 Jan 2020
Can uniformitarianism be saved from the drastic incompleteness of the rock record under long-age assumptions?
by John Reed
Molecular motors show incredible design
05 Sep 2020
Dynein and other molecular motors showcase God’s amazing design in biology.
by Don Batten
Meaning, and why does God allow suffering?
27 Sep 2014
How do we know that there is objective meaning in the world? And why would a loving God allow suffering?
by Lita Sanders
Ethiopia’s ‘little Edens’
20 Apr 2020
How the church in Ethiopia preserved biodiversity.
by Lita Sanders
Interpreting the geology of Central Australia using Noah’s Flood
18 Apr 2019
A geological guide book reveals landmarks, patterns, and puzzles.
by Tas Walker
White Squirrels?
30 Sep 2021
White squirrels appear in a handful of towns in North America. How did they get there? Is it evolution? Is white fur a beneficial mutation or a curse?
by Thomas Bailey
Creation magazine
Creation magazine 40(2) Contents
by Philip Harris