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Karl Giberson unmasks himself
22 May 2014
High profile theistic evolutionist Karl Giberson reveals how it is not possible to be a Darwinist and a Bible-believing Christian—if one thinks about it.
by Don Batten
Geology, the Sphinx, and the Bible
25 Aug 2013
Understanding the timing of geological events in the light of Scripture.
by Tas Walker, Emil Silvestru
Copernicus, Galileo, and the theory of evolution
25 Feb 2015
Should today’s Church and Christians generally oppose the theory of evolution? We can learn some good lessons from history.
by Russell Grigg
Two perspectives on near death experiences
26 May 2013
How should we interpret experiences of people who claim to have seen the afterlife?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Paris attacks inspire anti-religious sentiment
20 Nov 2015
A street pianist’s performance shows a lack of understanding in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.
by Paul Price
The Painted Neandertal
20 May 2010
Ancient cosmetics are upsetting evolutionary stories.
by Robert W. Carter
Were stars created in creation week?
22 Feb 2015
The grammar of Genesis 1 shows that stars were made on Day 4 of Creation Week, thus refuting soft gap theories.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Colourblind squid camouflage inspires Navy research
27 May 2013
How do squid match their surroundings when they are colourblind? The solution has inspired designers of a camouflaging material.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Sight and the centre of the universe
28 Aug 2010
How far is the earth from the centre of the universe? And How many receptors does the human eye have?
by John Hartnett and Jonathan Sarfati
Encyclopedic ‘truth’ … or worldly wisdom?
07 Nov 2012
Encyclopedias have been regarded by many as being reliable ‘fonts of knowledge’. But when it comes to evolution, can you trust them?
by David Catchpoole
Creation, Islam, evangelism, and academic integrity
08 Apr 2013
Lita Sanders interviews Dr Emir Caner of Truett–McConnell College.
by Lita Sanders
Could God cause the beginning of the universe?
09 Apr 2016
Can God be uncaused and eternal? Can a sentient cause be uncaused?
by Shaun Doyle