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Flood models and flat-earthers
04 Dec 2011
How do we decide between different flood models?
by Dr Tas Walker, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Who was Adam?
18 Sep 2014
Just as Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon, our ancestor Adam was notable for many ‘firsts’.
by Andrew Rowell
Why is Jesus crucial for Creation?
17 May 2014
Some Jews and Muslims are creationists, too. So why do we emphasize the Gospel?
by Lita Sanders
Setting the captives free …
10 Apr 2014
How do you attract an atheist (or two!) to church?
by David Catchpoole
Initial reviews rave: Alien Intrusion is another hit for CMI!
04 Jan 2018
Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception is in theaters across the US on 11 January 2018. Listen to why these pastors think you need to see it.
by Lita Sanders
Twiddling the knobs
19 Oct 2009
An illustration from everyday life shows why evolution does not work.
by Don Batten
Hydroplate theory: the strongest theory?
22 Aug 2020
Is the Hydroplate theory of Noah’s Flood the strongest Flood model on offer today?
by Shaun Doyle
The rabbit doesn’t live there anymore!
18 Dec 2013
To catch a rabbit today, you first have to know where the rabbit now ‘is at’.
by Warwick Armstrong
Radioisotope methods and rock ages
29 Dec 2017
Research provides evidence that nuclear transmutation rates were dramatically higher in the past.
by John Baumgardner
Unsolved mysteries
27 Dec 2014
Should creationists do more to highlight weaknesses and mysteries in our understanding?
by Keaton Halley
Pollen problem
10 Aug 2015
Dinosaur dioramas in museums and children’s books on dinosaurs should now include flowers.
by Don Batten
Creation, preservation and dominion: part 3
31 Dec 2010
How should a Christian approach environmental issues?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky