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Review of Jurassic World: Dominion
21 Jul 2022
Read our review of Jurassic World: Dominion. What are some of the newer dinosaurs in the movie, and were dinosaurs and pterosaurs feathered?
by Joel Tay, Phil Robinson
An impact Flood submodel—dealing with issues
by Michael J. Oard
Quantum Biology and the Origin of Life
13 Apr 2023
Can quantum mechanics allow life to evolve from non-living chemicals?
by Mary Beth De Repentigny and Jonathan Sarfati
Wonders of the Deep
2017 Creation Calendar Wonders of the Deep features the underwater world, and is available now.
by Tas Walker
22 Nov 2023
Simple explanation of how the Flood formed fossils. Fossils formed by the Flood makes more sense than evolution.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Grasping the size of the Ark
Grasping the size of the Ark
by N/a
Ginkgo: a remarkable living fossil
03 Apr 2023
With no evolutionary change over claimed hundreds of millions of years, and possessing a complex genome, the ginkgo is totally baffling to Darwinists
by Jerry Bergman
Here’s GOOD NEWS for the WORLD!
Creation Ministries International seeks to give glory and honour to the triune God of the Bible as Creator, and to affirm the truth of the biblical record of the real origin and history of the world and mankind.
by N/A
Dr Henry Richter
Dr Henry Richter
Rapid growth of caves and speleothems: part 2—growth rate variables
12 Nov 2021
What variables affect the growth rate of speleothems?
by Michael J. Oard
Information Theory—part 4
Fundamental theorems of Coded Information Systems Theory
by Royal Truman
‘A disgrace to biology’
Professor-Dr Pieter van Oordt’s farewell address hits home.