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The cockroach: nature’s garbage men
26 Dec 2016
Cockroaches are thought to be disgusting pests, but they play an important role in degrading waste in nature.
by Lita Sanders
Reverse ontological argument?
30 Sep 2017
Does the reverse ontological argument show that God can’t exist?
by Shaun Doyle
Is Belief in God a case of Christian wish fulfillment?
27 Mar 2010
An atheist correspondent asserts that Christian belief in God stems from a desire for a Heavenly Father to take care of us, but his argument commits a major logical fallacy.
by Lita Sanders
Excellent summary of scientific evidence for Creation and the Flood, but controversial in some areas
03 Aug 2012
A review of Earth’s Catastrophic Past: Geology, Creation & the Flood, volumes 1 and 2 by Andrew Snelling
by Michael J. Oard
Oxygen in comet atmosphere undermines billions of years
08 Jan 2018
Space probe Rosetta finds oxygen gas found in coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
by Jonathan Sarfati
The sophisticated Neandertal
30 Dec 2020
Is The Flintstones a more accurate picture of Neandertals than evolutionary documentaries?
by Lita Cosner and Rob Carter
The Oklo natural reactors in Precambrian rocks, Gabon, Africa
05 Aug 2011
The nuclear reactor that began without human intervention
by Eugene Chaffin
The world of butterflies
12 Aug 2015
Remarkable evidence of design, in a life-cycle that could not have evolved slowly over time.
by Brian W. Grantham-Hill
Air in the balance
05 Jul 2017
Bugs in the deep help you to breathe deeply.
by Carl Wieland
Lessons from Augustine’s De Genesi ad Litteram—Libri Duodecim
10 Oct 2014
Augustine’s works are sometimes wrongly used to pour scorn on young-earth creationists.
by Andrew Sibley
MOND over dark matter?
05 Jun 2008
Suggestions for a Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) may mean that a fundamentally new physics is needed.
by Bill Worraker
Ice-bound plane flies again!
Ice layers and millions of years myth exposed.
by Carl Wieland